Way too complicated. You say mine is complicated, but the thing is that the user does not see the complication. All this stuff about all these restrictions are complications and loopholes that are abusable.
I don't see it as more complicated than your system, DTBK. Most of what IP outlined are karma rules that your system must have as well; and these rules aren't really things that need to be kept track of, because they happen just as automatically as you magic number appears. Both systems are easy to use.
On the other hand, I think that IP's system is more intuitive, and therefore more appealing to use. The way I see it, the impact that members can have on each other is more obvious under IP's system than under yours - making the incentive to make better posts stronger under his system.
By the way, on the testing of various formula systems, keep in mind that there are very few people at SEN with PPD of more than 4. I would venture to guesstimate (after doing a quick scan of a few different forums) that most of the posts on SEN are made by people with PPD of 2 to 3, and with total post count probably between 200 to 300. Remember that people like DTBK are at the extreme end of the spectrum in terms of almost any statistic. Personally, I think that 2 ppd is already heaps for any member older than about my SEN age - that's making two posts, on average, every day since they first joined SEN. I don't think there is much reason to say that any more than that is necessarily desirable.
But I still maintain that ppd is not a very good indicator of reputation. It's possible to output a lot of spam into one forum or thread with less than 2 ppd. Remember, a person doesn't have to spam in every forum before what they post is considered excessive spam. And ppd is very volatile for newcomers.
So one solution is to moderate the impact of ppd using SEN age. But {posts per day} times {SEN age} simply equals {total post count}: so you may as well simply use total posts as an indicator instead of ppd. PPD is an indicator of activity, as I said before, not of reputation.
Here's my thoughts on how a reputation system should be constructed.
A post that impresses others enough to give positive feedback on it should be worth considerably more than normal, average posts. One good post, which is appraised by, say, three people, should be worth as much as ten average posts (I imagine that about one in ten posts will get positive feedback). We should favour quality over quantity.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to even scale the impact of posts according to their length, as it is done for giving minerals - so perhaps each post adds reputation points equal to one tenth of the mineral bonus awarded (I imagine that would be maybe between 0.2 and 0.5 for most posts, giving most regular visitors about 1 a day from posting). This would also minimise the impact of spamming.
Long-standing members at SEN deserve some respect and reputation simply for being old. But simply being a member without posting isn't nearly as good for the community as being a member
and posting, so SEN age should be an even smaller factor than posts. I think posts are a good enough indicator of visits/activity already, so I don't think we need to split this up into 'active' and 'inactive' days. So maybe reputation should go up by 0.2 each day.
So, I have the equation:
Reputation points = 50 + P + 0.1M + 0.2A
P = post rating points gained from member ratings (positive and negative),
M = accumulated minerals from posts (as opposed to from games; doesn't decrease with fines/spending), and
A = SEN age in days.
As for how member ratings work, I quite like IP's concept [snapback]352146[/snapback].
Rules:Everyone starts with 50 karma. (I would support giving staff members a higher base to begin with, say 100).
You can affect x posts per week (Don't make it 5 days, that's not easy to keep track of), where x = reputation/50, rounded up (I like this idea of DTBK's).
The effect of positive karma on the poster's is 1% of your karma.
Negative karma subtracts 1% of the owner's karma, and .5% of your own karma.
Must have at least 10 posts. (Newcomers will want to compliment people who help them, and that should be encouraged; seniority sounds like it'll be gotten as fast or faster than post count anyway; the influence of newcomers' rep points will be relatively little anyway, so they can't spoil much.)
(I don't think it's necessary to restrict the number of people who can appraise a post.)
Each member can only affect the same member once in a week. (I think this will be good enough to prevent excessive exploitation of the system - a week is a long time to wait for most SEN members.
(I don't really see a basis for making the topic post (first post) worth extra - normally it just asks a question - not just in assistance forums but even in serious discussion.)
Finally, warnings should adversely affect your reputation. A warning for bad behaviour (flaming, spamming, etc) should subtract 10 or 20 percent of your reputation, depending on the seriousness - a substantial amount that can act as a deterrent for both newcomers and more established members. Improved, good behaviour will be rewarded naturally as karma rises again.
What kind of numbers should you expect under this system?
in_a_biskit: minerals from posts (M) = 2468; post count = 364; SEN age (A) ~ 200 days; warn level = 0; let's assume that I'm pretty representative of SEN in terms of post quality, and I expect about one in ten posts to receive positive feedback, giving me maybe 60 post rating points (P) over 36 posts.
Reputation [sub]biskit[/sub] = 50 + 60 + 0.1*2468 + 0.2*200 = 50 + 60 + 246.8 + 40 =
396.8----> I can rate up to 8 posts a week, and each rating gives the other member a boost of 4.0 points. A reasonably serious warning could drop my reputation to around 310.
Reputation [sub]moderator[/sub] ~ 100 + 200 + 0.1*4500 + 0.2*500 = 100 + 200 + 450 + 100 =
Reputation [sub]spammer before warn[/sub] ~ 50 + 0 + 0.1*1000 + 0.2*200 = 50 + 0 + 100 + 40 =
Reputation [sub]newbie[/sub] ~ 50 + 0 + 0.1*50 + 0.2*15 = 50 + 0 + 5 + 3 =
53Simple enough to understand, takes into account ratings, posts, and age, and works for me
. What do you think?