LOL, you sound like a certain friend of mine Kellimoose! *shakes head* I myself am against cussing but I understand letting one fly every now and then. Free speech is fine and w/e but rights are supposed to stop somewhere before they infringe too far on another person's rights. I don't like to hear people cuss like there's no tomorrow. That's me. My sister likes to cuss all the time and ends up doing it whenever she's out to seriously get on my nerves.
I agree that filters are rather stupid. The only one that has really made me laugh was the one on the Spiderman Playstation game's cheatcode area. Whenever you entered a swear word spiderman would pop up and punche the word, replacing it with Sugar or Cake or something completely unrelated like that. ^_^
The blank idea was good. Sounds like the best solution besides completely taking the filter off. You either have it or don't.
SEN isn't a democracy, it's an oligarchy.
ol·i·gar·chy Audio pronunciation of "oligarchy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l-gärk, l-)
n. pl. ol·i·gar·chies
1. Government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families.
The Mods and Admins decide what we get to do in their kingdom, and they've decided that we can't use swear words without sounding like idiots. Get over it.
Kellimoose, you take the internet too seriously. This is just a website that was made for helping others with Staredit. I think you could deal with a word filter. IMO, swearing a lot makes you look like an idiot and unintelligent. I do agree that some of the word filters are a bit underage.
Kellimoose, how the fark would you think that a word filter is discriminating people who like to swear a lot, lmao? I'm just curious, because the world would be bad if everybody thought like that.
Wow, Kellimus gets away with a LOT of flaming, unless they already warned him for that. I can see Kellimus being the guy from and getting angry at people who don't say or do as he wants.
QUOTE(Merrell @ Dec 29 2005, 07:17 PM)
Wow, Kellimus gets away with a LOT of flaming, unless they already warned him for that. I can see Kellimus being the guy from and getting angry at people who don't say or do as he wants.
LOL! i laughed my ass off on that one.
Exactly what dt said, they are made to make you look dumb, but dont memers do that even when they are swearing? I mean i can agree with some words but like some of them shouldnt be censored. hell i've heard cartoons that say em =/
Like Southpark? . Honestly what kiddie show cartoon have you seen that had swearing? I don't think any has, but I could be wrong. I agree with urmom, it's not like it matters, SEN is just here to help people with map making, it's not all that serious. I'm not pro censor or not. I don't even use swear words most the time to get my message across. The only time it crosses the line is when someone insults another user using it.
You have to understand that these forums are private and even going on here is a privilege. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, because I'm in the same boat as you. I'd run the forums differently if I was in command as well (such as changing author to SUBMITTED BY in the DLDB, so people don't write: creators of FF7 or some other nonsense).
I think that the censors are here because someone feels if people used these words a lot, it would be spread and when the kid gets off the pc, he would use it and use it at school and get his head blown off. Or maybe it's because the person that implemented it thinks swearing leads to horseplay and the forums would be a flamefest and a nightmare for mods... I don't know.
All I'm saying is do you really need these words to get your message across. I believe swear words add a level of emphasis, but perhaps there are other ways to get it across. In other words, if swearing doesn't work, find another way to get your point across.
Or maybe it's because the person that implemented it thinks swearing leads to horseplay and the forums would be a flamefest and a nightmare for mods...
That would be why.
As you said, you certainly never need swear words in order to get a message across. Anyone here is perfectly capable of not using them.