Okay. I was typing a reply to a thread here, and the filter edited certain words (That I don't even know which ones) into "doo doo head(es)"
Now. That is where it really pisses me off.
When you join SEN, the disclaimer states that the content of this forum can, and WILL change.
So why the fark impliment a swear filter, when you ARE WARNED that content can, and WILL change? I understand the no pornographic images because of the ages here, but farking christ! If someone wants to sound "Unintelligent", farking let them do it! Why the hell do you have to take our god damn freedom of speech away? Why the fark do you have to filter words that people use?? I see absolutely NO REASON for the filter (I was against it when it was implimented) because you're farking warned when you join this site, that content can, and WILL change (Vulgarity, discussions, ect...)
So yes. I say disassemble the filter, because the disclaimer even states that the content will change -_-
fark. shiz. rooster. biznatch. Whore. nymphomaniac. Ass. illegitimate child. (A few random words)
If you notice, Fawk = fark. Shiat = Shiz. Cack = Rooster. Biatch = Biznatch. Whore is unfiltered, yet Shlut = Nymphomaniac. Ass is also unedited. Basstard = Illegitimate child.
Can you see how farking retarded this is?!
Now. I remember when people were complaining about how the filter, filtered out words that are not "insulting". So why not, instead of making these certain words unfiltered, make ALL the words uncensored?
I do realize that forums are not Democracies, or Republics, but Dictatorships. But I remember hearing about how you should show respect for the people on this forum.
In my opinion, the filter is a form of discrimination against those who use vulgarity in their conversations (I for one, am one of those people who likes to use vulgarity in my conversations. Only when I am heated though)
So. What do you guys think?
I do realize that forums are not Democracies, or Republics, but Dictatorships. But I remember hearing about how you should show respect for the people on this forum.
It's almost impossible to respect people who curse excessively.
I expect this is true for the higher powers of SEN, anyway

So why the fark impliment a swear filter, when you ARE WARNED that content can, and WILL change?
I doubt that content is meant to posts, it is more likely connected to everything purely admin-controlled, such as forums, changes in site, etc.
The content of words is very similar to the content of images; Some people can't look at certain words without- you get the idea. Plus, its about keeping SEN professional. Do you really think someone like BSTRhino would come to this site often if he saw half the members typing 'biznatch' and 'fack' in every single post?
Blah blah blah forum content must correspond with USRB game rating (13+) blah blah blah.
Get over it.
All you do, is talk crap Arbitrary, so stfu whitie.
And now that you explain it like that Silver, I kind of get it, lol.
If they wanted to keep it professional though, they would rid it of the spammers.
Flamming in my eyes, is not hurtful. Because anyone who takes what is said on a forum literally, are idiots to begin with.
Congratulations, you don't know what you're talking about.
"Flaming" and profanity have no direct relation.
And nice job berating Chris for attacking you ad hominem, yet doing it to me.
well i think they should have something like. you can choose either if you want to swear filter it or not in your control panel.
i mean come on... who here that is 13 and over doesn't know all the vulgar language.
you cant get warned with the swear filter on it then whats the point having a warn system? its better to take out swear filter and make people get them selves warned and kicked out of SEN
QUOTE(Mp)MinigameEast @ Dec 26 2005, 03:15 PM)
well i think they should have something like. you can choose either if you want to swear filter it or not in your control panel.
i mean come on... who here that is 13 and over doesn't know all the vulgar language.
you cant get warned with the swear filter on it then whats the point having a warn system? its better to take out swear filter and make people get them selves warned and kicked out of SEN
Congratulations, you don't know what you're talking about.
"Flaming" and profanity have no direct relation.
Did I say they did? No. I farking didn't you retard. So why the fark are you saying I did?
And nice job berating Chris for attacking you ad hominem, yet doing it to me.
Wow.. You can pay attention, good!
But guess what? I'm doing it because he told everyone that he would stop with them. He's a hypocrite. That's the point of me "berating" him.
And shouldn't you be banned? Last I knew, your account was deleted, or someone with the same name as you... You act just like him though (Egotistical and arrogent) That is beside the point though.
And you have put no input into this thread, so you're technically spamming.
so you're technically spamming.
You posted this in Lite Discussion in the first place.
And shouldn't you be banned? Last I knew, your account was deleted, or someone with the same name as you.
I advise you stop being so rabid; it isn't particularly beneficial to the heart.
And I advise you to quit spamming my thread, before I report you. Thank you.
Anymore say on this you guys?
i agree, kellimoose
what i beleive is i put a st*r between curse words is because fark looks like im a retard or something
Well, true. But then you will get warned for dodging the filter.
I agree with Minigame: Let them warn themselves
swearing is just an ugly way of expressing yourself... (I find it beautiful

but thats just me). i personally dont swear that much on the internet, but swear filters are pretty gay. i say they should go, but its not up to me, and i personally wouldn't care

I say take them off, and if you abuse it, you get warned / Suspended.
Flamming? xD
it feels like jail lol.
make some postors that says.
no more swearfilters.
well im not creative

I just think it makes us look like a bunch of idiots. You keep making people think that I think people are "meanies" and "biznatches". See, we all know what "biznatch" means, so why keep it at that. I dont like talking like that, I like talking normal, so dont force me to say "biznatch".
you cant get warned with the swear filter on it then whats the point having a warn system? its better to take out swear filter and make people get them selves warned and kicked out of SEN
If you want to pay me $5.15 an hour to read every thread in SEN for usage of swear words in an inappropriate manner or search though piles of reports of paranoid people trying to get someone else banned to find the meaningful reports, let's talk.
The point of swear word filters is not to protect young members from seeing the words. I'll eat my socks if there are any people who regularly visit here and have never heard of all the bad words.
The point is merely to spare the eyes of our civilized members and prevent SEN from degenerating into a pile of flame.
If you can't manage to post without your post becoming illegibly censored, please leave. Now. We have no need for you until you can express yourself in a more mature manner.
Finally, I think a SEN Rant would belong in Feedback, don't you? >>Feedback & BugsI don't really care about the Swear Filters, but it just makes flammers and spammers to learn not to talk in the swear filters.
I disagree with you Kelimoose... Filitering words give people the idea that saying these words is bad. Sure, a profanity here isn't bad, but whats wrong with filtering? We can all make the relationship between B1tch and Biznatch...
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Dec 26 2005, 11:09 PM)
If you want to pay me $5.15 an hour to read every thread in SEN for usage of swear words in an inappropriate manner or search though piles of reports of paranoid people trying to get someone else banned to find the meaningful reports, let's talk.
The point of swear word filters is not to protect young members from seeing the words. I'll eat my socks if there are any people who regularly visit here and have never heard of all the bad words.
The point is merely to spare the eyes of our civilized members and prevent SEN from degenerating into a pile of flame.
If you can't manage to post without your post becoming illegibly censored, please leave. Now. We have no need for you until you can express yourself in a more mature manner.
Finally, I think a SEN Rant would belong in Feedback, don't you?
>>Feedback & Bugs
You kidding me? Starcraft is rated T for teen, and if you dont know what an a..hole is by that age then you have major problems.
Besides, theres no different between "biznatch" and "b**ch". If little Timmy went up to his mommy and said johnny was a "biznatch", i dont think his mother's reaction would be much different from if he said "b***ch".
Now if you dont want to go by that then fine. But you
yourself said you want us to look more civilized. I dont look civilized when it looks like im saying "biznatch" or "shiz". At least make us look half decent and use censors like "S**t, S***, Sh**, S---" or whatever the hell you like, but dont make me, or us, look like an idiot.
Well, maybe it will teach people to use different words?
That doesnt make any sense. Do you mean instead of "Yeah, Tony Danza is an A**hole" I'll say
Tony Danza is a butthole"? Wow, that sounded stupid. Whatever.
Why not just change the sensors to S*** or S--- instead of shiz or whatever the hell it is. Stop making us look like a bunch of idiots.
EDIT- Censors? wow..
QUOTE(warhammer40000 @ Dec 27 2005, 01:01 AM)
That doesnt make any sense. Do you mean instead of "Yeah, Tony Danza is an A**hole" I'll say
Tony Danza is a butthole"? Wow, that sounded stupid. Whatever.
Why not just change the sensors to S*** or S--- instead of shiz or whatever the hell it is. Stop making us look like a bunch of idiots.
EDIT- Censors? wow..
It's a step forward, but I was looking for something a little more "smarter sounding".
Tony Danza is a quite annoying young lad who puts me in an unpleasant mood?
I dont talk like that. How about..
Tony Danza is an A**hole.
I don't think the filters were made to stop you from talking like that, anyway I think you get the same message out when you say A**hole
I think they were put in place to stop people from posting like
What?! You get the same message when you say shiz instead of Sh**!!
But if youre that stubborn, make it have more asterisks, but dont make me look stupid!