I've skimmed most of the replies, and I've seen some i'd like to comment on (General Ideas, I have using quotes):
First: Punishment should be visible, maybe even warn levels. If people learn that you mean buisness, then they'll behave. It's kept me in line, at least here.
Two: It really sucks to be banned from even Viewing a website, (I got banend from Stringhold-knights.com, ticked off a 60 year old admin because he thought the word "Jerk" was offensive. If you think SEN cenoring is bad, join Stringhold-knights.com and see how bad their censors are.) I can't even view information of SHK i'd like to see.
3: Respect. If older members shows respect, and they get it in return, everyone is happy.
4: Troublemakers, every website has a couple (*wink wink nudge nudge devilesk*

jking) but there's a difference between troublemakers who cause comotion, and those who cross the line. On pso-u.com, Admins and members get in fights every day. I've insulted people, and gotten replies in kind. But then again, both of the Admins are people who'd do a podcast every friday with things like "Don't play with your wang"

5: Newbie contests are not a bad idea, but it could be tweaked. How about submitting maps to be rated by people instead of judged against other maps?
My two cents.