Zero damage? What about rigging polls? In particular, the big OSMAP one?
And seriously... if he wanted to prove there was no automated scanning for double accounts, he could've just asked me.
I agree it's not the most thought-out experiment, but rigging the polls is good for you and you'll know for a fact how the system works. I doesn't seem like DEAD even cares much for his loss of position.
cant help but type dat way sometimes. evar heard of being a wigger?
and how can you justify rule breaking wit an excuse liek dat? its okay for peeps to break the rules and justify it with an excuse: "i was experimenting"?
how is day justified?
Ok, 'wigger', start typing properly or you get warned/banned. I think that purposely typing idiotically is in the rulebook. Even if its not, when admins get annoyed, you get banned.
To Devlin: I didn't loose any respect to DEAD, because he didn't change one bit.