I don't see any sources on this, where did you hear this from?
Einstein was smarter than most people in terms of mathematics, I don't think he could have dominated in many other fields (although he is relevant to the meaning of life because he was an intelligent person overall). Einstein is dead anyways, so he can't be smarter than anyone anymore.
Is it just me, or are you starting to contradict yourself? If I recall correctly, before your statement was that smarter people automatically thought up better solutions or the same solutions faster than dumber people, without any such conditions attached.
Also, fifty-one years and thousands of years are a significant difference.
I have some news for you. There are six billion people now and 2000 years ago there were only about 150 million. There are just plain lots more people around to make philosophical discoveries, and plus they have everything that's come before them to build off of.
Biology and chemistry aren't really relevant to the meaning of life.
True. It would seem that sentience is independent of the physics on which it runs.
What about single-celled life?
That uses DNA too.