I can't say which one has more triggers knowing that I have the demo of this map and that I also have Trigger Viewer. I don't want to view Crazy's triggers due to they are not mine. I can't/won't answer that for you, sorry.
QUOTE(Joshgt2 @ Feb 19 2006, 05:08 AM)
I can't say which one has more triggers knowing that I have the demo of this map and that I also have Trigger Viewer. I don't want to view Crazy's triggers due to they are not mine. I can't/won't answer that for you, sorry.
I believe that wasn't a question
[GTA classic] - 1650 triggers
GTA : San Andreas - 346 triggers

Really? I would think that San Andreas would have more triggers since everyone said about the bad lagg that it had in the map.
QUOTE(Joshgt2 @ Feb 19 2006, 09:19 PM)
Really? I would think that San Andreas would have more triggers since everyone said about the bad lagg that it had in the map.
It's unit/sprite dependent
Well maybe trigger running style (like having 1000 constantly running triggers) has a small role in lag. Bur mainly just unit/sprite dependent.
You can have a map with 352632643 triggers that won't lag at all while a map with 1 trigger can lag as hell

DEAD's right ...
anyways... i thought of a new plan....
to make Las Venturas a Desert... , before the casino's and stuff were built in that area

more details on what im gonna do with that,....... next update
unless any of you have suggestions on what i should put there
Sounds cool, you should make the gangs the right colour, like in the game your in a gang with green clothes, etc.
The gangs could use the correct color but I don't think it really matters all that much
how about... make the Las Venturas area... some kind of Base
and for a mission, you have to infiltrate it....... any ideas anyone?
JUst take your time and make it as you wanted at the start

I vote that... It looked fine in the demo version I played. I don't think anything should be changed in it.
Well you could make it be like. Well yeah just stick to what you started with. This is to
hard to think about. Oh and Crazy can you buy places to work in and stuff. Besides
hideouts. Well maybe you could make it a big money thing or something and yeah break in it. Make it a
HIGH SECURITY PRISON or something like that just take your time. We can all wait

Just try your best at this Crazy
Wow DEAD's Map own this map in trigger count.. acctually never really finished this map that might be the reason... Btw crazy you should just remove some units just to cut down lag it really will help XD
I Suggest finishing this map.

I lost intrest in this map, Hmm, just thought i pop by and see how its going... where is the demo?
You lost interest, and you are asking for the demo?
hahaha... I don't think that your going to get a demo now... I believe that the "demo" was only given to the selected testers of this map, but I don't know that for sure. I just know that I got the demo in a PM and I was on the list.


Oh yeah that does remind me why didn't you let out a demo. You should of just like half way through or let one out right now or something.
Gosh Crazy...
Because there is nothing to see in the demo. Just overall system and city layout, without any missions. Besides it was laggy and it was for system function testing. I believe few things are different now. I think it's better to not release such demos. Well at least I didn't and it turned out pretty well to not say more

So there is currently 41 pages (20 X 41, you can do that math) and still no demo!?
Jesus. . .
Yea but 41 page of good stuff and work… look at wooden fires and go say that…
Actually no Boyscout, most posts in this thread is like offtopic, spam or crazy saying "added new stuff"

If you would have read some of the previus posts about this demo coming then you would have known that you would have needed to be on the testers list in order to get the demo. Just wait until the version comes out with the missions in it.
Story won't be the same as the real Gta San Andreas game, you won't be CJ, instead you'll be a new character...
so its kinda like, San Andreas Stories now... haha
dont care i didnt even wanted to be the old same gta.. you should of made something random in from the start but it sounds great dude

but seriously if its possible cut down the lag lol haha... i would love to play with lag free... to many units in the map lol