If blizzard supports the program it could be possible to have a seperate game type for automod games.
We have the ability to create our own game types. I listed an example one in my modification a while ago when listing the values for the game types. It does appear in its own game list and it does allow others with the mod to join.
it might still be possible to differentiate an automodder game from a regular game
This we will have to do anyway, because all games appear under the same "All Game Types" list, which lists all game type ID values. When modding, you don't look at game types as names, you look at them as numbers. There are some used, but more unused numbers that are available. These game types can easily be included. We can also come up with our own game types with different game rules from the current game types. Anyway, back to what I'm replying to: People can also join your game by typing the name as well. Let's say a friend wants to join you but doesn't have the automodder OR the game type. He will see a "Blank" as the game type once he joins.
My idea was that games made with a mod could show up a different color in the games list menu.
I know that using any "tags" copied from Staredit in the game name get you IP Banned from Battle.net.
To actually mod the game, I think it would be useful to use the countdown as a game is starting. As far as I know, the countdown occurs at pretty much the same time on every machine regardless of computer speed and/or lag, so this would give a good set of values to use to sync the different loads. This can also be used to deal with the issue of having to remod back to normal starcraft. because it would go something like this.
5 - Load any mod files in the map
4 - Load patch mpq
3 - etc....
This would allow then all the files to be patched on each machine at the same time, and if there are no mod files in the map, it would just reset the files to the normal starcraft ones. I'm not positive if you can actually make it work like this, but this seems like the best way I thought up to do it.
You do bring up a good point. Actually, some people would want to "mod" the briefings, and all computers must be in sync to get into the briefing part. The mod would have to load during the countdown timer. There also might be a way to pause the countdown timer or disallow packets that say "this machine is ready" to be sent until the mod has finished loading, which puts all machines in sync.
Oh and whoever mentioned something about modded melee, forget it. Modded melee = rigged race, = cheap wins. It should stick to one game type anyway since I don't expect much people to use it. If you want a modded melee, you'd make it UMS-based.