Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Real Automod?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-25 at 23:35:08
If blizzard supports the program it could be possible to have a seperate game type for automod games.

We have the ability to create our own game types. I listed an example one in my modification a while ago when listing the values for the game types. It does appear in its own game list and it does allow others with the mod to join.

it might still be possible to differentiate an automodder game from a regular game

This we will have to do anyway, because all games appear under the same "All Game Types" list, which lists all game type ID values. When modding, you don't look at game types as names, you look at them as numbers. There are some used, but more unused numbers that are available. These game types can easily be included. We can also come up with our own game types with different game rules from the current game types. Anyway, back to what I'm replying to: People can also join your game by typing the name as well. Let's say a friend wants to join you but doesn't have the automodder OR the game type. He will see a "Blank" as the game type once he joins.

My idea was that games made with a mod could show up a different color in the games list menu.

I know that using any "tags" copied from Staredit in the game name get you IP Banned from

To actually mod the game, I think it would be useful to use the countdown as a game is starting. As far as I know, the countdown occurs at pretty much the same time on every machine regardless of computer speed and/or lag, so this would give a good set of values to use to sync the different loads. This can also be used to deal with the issue of having to remod back to normal starcraft. because it would go something like this.
5 - Load any mod files in the map
4 - Load patch mpq
3 - etc....
This would allow then all the files to be patched on each machine at the same time, and if there are no mod files in the map, it would just reset the files to the normal starcraft ones. I'm not positive if you can actually make it work like this, but this seems like the best way I thought up to do it.

You do bring up a good point. Actually, some people would want to "mod" the briefings, and all computers must be in sync to get into the briefing part. The mod would have to load during the countdown timer. There also might be a way to pause the countdown timer or disallow packets that say "this machine is ready" to be sent until the mod has finished loading, which puts all machines in sync.

Oh and whoever mentioned something about modded melee, forget it. Modded melee = rigged race, = cheap wins. It should stick to one game type anyway since I don't expect much people to use it. If you want a modded melee, you'd make it UMS-based.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2005-04-26 at 09:05:07
The avergae user would not nessecarily get the full benefits of things like these custom campaigns, because they would be to large to download on, but if you look at some of todays top quality maps, that is already the case. It still comes back to the fact that people like us here would receive the full benefit of this since we would be able to download these large map files with relative ease.

One thing i noticed is that bnet downloads are suprisingly slow, so mabye you could use a BitTorrent-like way to download maps, so if two people already have the map then the other person dls the map from those two people AND bnet. that would solve the size problem
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2005-04-26 at 11:56:40
QUOTE(SuperToast @ Apr 26 2005, 03:24 AM)
-About Devoloupment
1) To get the project started, I beleive it's crucial to go to other starcraft related sites (mapping, modding, hacking, etc...)  to try and recruit people who have experiance in this type of hacking/modding/programing. By other sites I mean places like blizzhackers, bwhacks, and sites for starcraft mods that are still being worked on - Starcraft Team Fortress; and this is just to name a few.

2) Once we come up with a solid group of people who are dedicated to doing this task, I also think it would be wise to then contact blizzard and try to start some conversation with them about the possibility of creating a third-party automodder. This is probably one of the most important things to, because even if we were to get a team of develoupers together, all it would take is blizzard getting mad at the whole project and that would be it.

We don't have to recruit programmers for a thing like this and if we do definitelly we won't go to those sites. Those sites are full of shit and hacks and viruses, we won't find anything interesting there...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-26 at 16:33:11
One thing i noticed is that bnet downloads are suprisingly slow, so mabye you could use a BitTorrent-like way to download maps, so if two people already have the map then the other person dls the map from those two people AND bnet. that would solve the size problem maps aren't slow. Nobody is going to use up massive file space anyway. I already talked about sizes.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-04-26 at 17:20:17
Downloads ARE slow, DK.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-26 at 20:52:53
For large maps. Maps that people don't compress. Maps that contain uncompressed sounds.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SuperToast on 2005-04-26 at 21:48:51
QUOTE(Clokr_ @ Apr 26 2005, 09:56 AM)
We don't have to recruit programmers for a thing like this and if we do definitelly we won't go to those sites. Those sites are full of shit and hacks and viruses, we won't find anything interesting there...

I disagree with you here. If this project is going to become a reality we need more people then just the few people here who "might" be able to help. I also think they would be a valuable asset, because, the hack makers for example, are very good at finding values in memory and also very good at writing programs for use with starcraft. The automodder is also in essence a hack, so they could bring some valuble experiance to the project. The mod starcraft team fortress is also one of the few active TC mods for starcraft, and the programers for it know a great deal about modding starcraft and making programs. But my main point is, for this project to work, we need people with experiance. While you may disagree with some of their other works they do, (hacks in particular), I think it would be a great benefit if we are able to look past these things and work together on this project.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-26 at 22:02:01
I highly doubt they will cooperate though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SuperToast on 2005-04-26 at 23:16:43
That's the only thing to deal with there, but there is no real harm in asking. I think a few might because it would be such a useful tool for starcraft.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-26 at 23:36:33
theres a risk though (Did you know the "hackers" we call them, the oens tha liek send viruses, are realyl called Crackers? It was a missunderstanding, the REAL hackers are programmers, weird eh?) that they might exploit it. They might hide a little code in there that steals all the IP adresses, the CD codes, your info, everything without us knowing, and that woudl suck...

but they will be a great help, but only if they are honest (If they were, they wouldnt make viruses in the first place would they?)

But people who make hacks are Ok, i hope, since hopefully they dont know how to make a virus....
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SuperToast on 2005-04-27 at 00:07:50
Hacker or cracker is just a difference in terms; black hat vs. white hat might be a better way to describe actual COMPUTER hackers. Since the programs being made for starcraft are called hacks, the people who make them are just called hackers for the sake of simplicity I think.

I'm sure most anyone with any basic programming and networking knowledge has the skills needed to create, if nothing else, a cheap windows trojan or something to the like. So that is an issue about wether or not you use the information you have to do something like that. As a real world analagoy: I have all the knowledge and the tools required to make and plant pipe bombs all over my city, but I don't do that because it's wrong. I think these "hackers" will also have the same sort of ettiqute when it comes to this program, mainly because it also benefits them greatly.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-04-27 at 05:52:58
I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but I said I was going to do this project in my last post. I know it sounds silly, but it feels like I've been building up to this my entire modding and programming life. It's like the idea just fits me perfectly, as if I were meant to make it happen. I can't really explain it.

axblader, I wouldn't consider mods to be capable of doing any of that. If there was such a powerful way to reprogram StarCraft using an MPQ, then we would have gone a lot further with modding by now.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by sckor on 2005-04-27 at 07:27:09
BSTRhino- I heard lots of yoru modding .
Where can I find some please biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2005-04-28 at 19:15:46
QUOTE(SuperToast @ Apr 27 2005, 02:48 AM)
I disagree with you here. If this project is going to become a reality we need more people then just the few people here who "might" be able to help. I also think they would be a valuable asset, because, the hack makers for example, are very good at finding values in memory and also very good at writing programs for use with starcraft. The automodder is also in essence a hack, so they could bring some valuble experiance to the project. The mod starcraft team fortress is also one of the few active TC mods for starcraft, and the programers for it know a great deal about modding starcraft and making programs. But my main point is, for this project to work, we need people with experiance. While you may disagree with some of their other works they do, (hacks in particular), I think it would be a great benefit if we are able to look past these things and work together on this project.

You are the one wrong there. They might know what programs to use but the rest is quite simple. Finding values in memory is easier than what you think and only 0.00001% of the people there knows how to dissassemble properly.
About writing hacks, they are quite simple to write. Using windows APIs they are about 10 C++ lines.
And most of the people there are censored.gif ing n00bs asking how to make a damn hack that you have to explain to them step by step all the shit because they don't even know what's a bit or a byte...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SuperToast on 2005-04-28 at 21:25:48
I understand your point about most of the people being noobs, but a few of the main programmers are not. I'm not positive, but I'm assuming you, (clokr_), will be helping with this project if it ever starts. Since I myself have no extensive knowledge in programming, I probably don't see it the same way as you do. My only thought is that some more skilled people on the project would be helpful.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-04-30 at 10:59:36
I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but I said I was going to do this project in my last post.
Oh sry, missed that part. I thought you said you were busy ealier.

BTW, I just thought of an idea that would make this probably the hottest program ever for any Blizzard game! Remember my old old old idea for a bot or something that enables password continuity between games? Well imagine this: since automodder would already allow memory accessing, among other things, why can't players store a character profile within automodder, and have the program load it into the map?

Think of what that could do for RPGs, for instance. Hell you could even take it up another level and practically remake diablo within Starcraft, for instance. If you even went as far as allowing new sections to be loaded/overidden in the map in game (it would be difficult but possible, since your already accessing memory), you could in effect make Starcraft into a sort of MMO that way.

Though it would certainly catch Blizzard's attention, if it turned into that...

Also, while you're at it, why not tack on this feature to the program as well? Even if you were just playing normal UMS, it would make the program handy for finding good games to play.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AkkiBifuu on 2005-04-30 at 12:58:38
If needed i can help. i know a bit of all programming languages ( except for the wiers ones ((((((IMO)))))) like pascal and them) and i can DASM aswell =P
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-05-01 at 02:02:01
I did say I was busy, but I'm planning on doing it when my schedule clears up.

I'd love to get the map ranker program in there as well, that would be fun. It looks like I'm going to have to learn protocol anyway, so I can detect when a game is about to start. Let's hope revived StarDraft technology will do the trick.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-05-12 at 23:59:31
YAY! I hope you dont give up like the other dude...

GL with it.

Sometimes i have that feelnig too, liek im destined for somrthing... angel_not.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-13 at 07:53:02
If this works out, we should bring SI, Heimdal, and the guy who made Arsenal III together to make a Mod/Map maker program
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViolentMoose on 2005-05-13 at 17:40:02
thats true we should some 1 should pm them and contact the arsenalIII programers
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-13 at 18:09:11
There's no need?

We just make let custom editors load mods into the MPQ correctly then we're set!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-13 at 18:46:43
Imagine if we made like AresenalForge or something though. Unit properties would be like WC3 editor, allowing you to easily modify unit grps, what they fire (imagine an idea i had put into play- A SHEEP GUN!), etc. etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-05-14 at 02:02:57
Another thing which I have always wanted to do is to make an integrated mod editor, I might consider that when Automod is finished. I have enough knowledge about how the files work to be able to do that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-05-14 at 02:05:09
BST, if you finish this you're my hero. I don't think I'll be doing A&O for it though (already plan to make a new game from scratch), but I'll try to make something else good to put it to use.
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