Some people will go in and spam/flame because there is little to do in the time you are waiting for replies or done browsing a forum.
Look at the Games menu. What do you see? 50/50 Raffle and Store.
The raffle you click and wow! 2 seconds of something to do! (Not said to lower the raffle or anything, its just not exactly something that could be done while you are bored and wanting to pass time. <3 Raffle)
The store.. the most you can do is make your name look cool for Internet Explorer users, buy kiwis (and trade them
), and a few pointless things.
What I am trying to say is that maybe having the arcade and other games taken away, nobody has anything to do while waiting for replies or new topics to come up but go and spam in other ones.
I'm not saying to go run off and shove a bunch of pointless games in there, just put a few more things for people to do than click a button and wait till 5 AM to see if they won the jackpot.
Several ideas for some interesting games have come up recently, such as the [TOPIC=26246]Boxes[/TOPIC] game. (I would hope R2B would not mind if that idea was borrowed.)
Ha, once again I try to blame everything on lack of games (I used to do that alot at school). And obviously it probably is not even close to the cause any problems; but it is always better to have them!