Well if you're gonna think like that, you are an Emo.
Prepare to be amazed, this map is officially 100% fixed (Beta Phase 1)
Now for Beta Phase 2 (Minor Glitch Finding).

Then our culture is described by this book as a simple word, greed.
Notice how some people obsess over the books, and hate anyone who try to take them from that person. Kinda like gollum and the one ring, they first lock them selfs from humanity, then go insane, then bite peoples fingers off O.O
And I don't belive I've seen any one around here with pointy ears so you can't deny your simplicity of your minds. Greed overpowers all, and the one ring is just another way of describing that.
Ok, I'm breaking in. Time to reinstall StarCraft. I thought that I promised myself never to do this again. I've been sober since January. Screw you DLK for making me interested again (genuinely).

Are you coming back to play this map or are you coming back to make maps?
As for marine, stop talking like a crazy scientist!

I'm coming back to check this map out, but I fancy making maps. I also remember a time when I called you friend...
Hmmm, I remember when you showed me this once. That must've been at least a year ago. Heck, you've kept this up for that long?
I never trash maps, I always finish 'em

You could say I changed over the course of a month, feeling differnt inside and all. However it is all true about Tolken's novels ;P
They are just another way to describe modern day culture, except with orcs and bows instead of nazi's and 50 cals ;D
lequebeclibre is finally back on and has worked on the map today (fixing bugs).
BETA Phase 2 has reached 70% completion and BETA Phase 3 will be an Open BETA Test for anyone that wants to contribute some help with the dreaded testing I've been doing for the past month.
What about the single player?? where you dont need full??
There is no single player, either play this FH or don't play it at all. I really don't care if this map spreads or not, it's so cool that it probably will spread very well. Anyways,
- BETA Test Phase 2 is 70% done and I've fixed all bugs up to that point, but it needs testing (later today with my clan).

your walking along a dam tightrope by making it FH, but if its like the other RPG i will forgive you =D
I dont see any tightrope

But anyways, there's nothing wrong with Full house. Just play the map with your friends who wont leave you.
Haha, so true. This map is made for people who have friends

Yeh, but for me its hard, living in western australia (near the capital perth) i dont have many friends on during my playtime!
After a six month hiatus I have seen a whopping three of my friends online out of a filled friend list. It's kind of sad in a way.
Oh god I hear that. My entire friend list is empty because everyone joined WoW when I left -.^
StarCraft is slowly becoming less popular, and if those basturds at Blizz don't do anything about it, none of us will have a reason to make maps! O_O
Meh I'm gonna have to test this just to see what the hype is.
This map is my 4th last map I'm making before I quit SC. My last map, "Tank Commanders" will leave you all with some revolutionary features you've never before seen (trust me, I've spent 3 years making it

). Anyways, this map has been halted because no testers are logging on. This map may never be finished testing, oh well.

Why is there a .wav file in 28 Days Later: Military Base called tank commanders? O.o
How did you find that out?

Lunatic,this looks like its going to be a VERY BIG HIT.This will spread fas like you said it might,and hey..it mgiht encourage people who play SC to bring back their old retired SC friends.
Horde you kick ass. Sure you're a random person, but you gave me a crap load of spirit! I shall finish testing this by the end of this week!

No problem!

Yes I am some random person too,but I hope to make a good map when I get the best idea ever

I cancelled Stalingrad: The Red Sacrifice because of technical difficulties... This means that this map is now my 3rd last map before I quit map making.


Why do you want to quit making maps after these last 3?Though you might keep making maps like Sie_Sayoka did when he said,I'm quitting after X maps.Then he made more.

DLK, there is always still time to learn how to speed-blend terrain.