woohoo everyone

im happy to anouce that the maps terrain is now finished (alpha) terms... now im planning on going over all the cracks and crannys fixing bugs in the terrain blends etc and i might make it better than before.. in due time this is under beta terrain custruction..
Triggers have been started .. just working on the battle system.. i havnt got round to giving people tests as these triggers are driving me into walls etc

You might all be happy to know.. that The Blood Chamber is now my main priority map soo ill be sending alot of time getting the damn terrain down now and then.
NEED HELPI need sum 1 that will be willing enough to create a map with several spell concepts...
this is the list of attack spells and effects :
Frost Nova Level 1 = Carrier Kill effect + slows any hero units.
Frost Nova Level 2 = Carrier Kill Bigger Effect + Slows any hero units.
Recall = I need a town portal effect.. if possible on both ends.
Fire ball level 1 = Red explosion towards nearest enermy within a 10x10 location.
Fire ball level 2 = 2 red explosions towards nearest enermy within a 8x8 location.
Fire ball level 3 = 2 " " explosions towards nearest enermy within 10x10 + splash damage.
Summoning spells :
every creature that can be controled.. can be summoned. (no hero or human units)
who ever if willing to do this.. im very much grateful