I should go on today i am normaly on all day but my dad has my internet for my comp with SC on it right now (we share a cable) so i will be on when he gets off...
My Bnet name Is aE[OddAngel]
One huge glitch I noticed is right before you fight your first boss, the door won't open. I had to jump the door by switching weapons.
It was really fun!!!
Glitches I Found:
When you get a new weapon sometimes it wont apear if another player gets it at the same time... "Grenades" Did that to Puni and he couldn't get them...
The good thig is that he didn't lose the weapon on the field so he jsut couldn't
get the grenades.
Make an Item System... Sometimes Items wont be picked up... Have another unit in your "bunker" And have it Say Pick Up Item...
Just played the beta and I like it alot, but like angel said when I picked up the grenades its building exit got blocked so I didn't get it. Another thing i noticed, when attacking a civilian they run. Make the trigger where if they get close enough they run towards you, and preserve it. I saw that sometimes some civilians ran towards me but ran away right when I shot them. If you take angel's idea for item, maybe instead of making hand grenades a weapon, just make it an item.
Updated File with glitch fixes and all that good stuff. Also changed some terrain and fixed the whole grenade no spawn thing. Also To Zerg they do run towards you when they are close enough and they do eventually do quite a bit of damage. Also fixed a glitch that gave Players 2 and 3 more Armor and Health then player 1.
Uh....am I the only one that found the now attached-to-the-first-post file to be an emtpy .zip file? Just wondering....I am looking forward to trying out this map though. I played Doom, Doom II, Doom 95 (Also known as Final Doom I think...), and though I haven't played Doom III, nor plan to, the map does intrigue me. So, what with the other one getting corrupted on download and this one being empty...well....it is a little annoying. Oh well. Just wanted to let you know that for me, that .zip file is empty.
Wow, DOOM is probably one of my favorite games ever. Nice to see someone working on it. I keep having ideas for making DOOM I, but I can never get any systems right, especially life. I'll play the Beta map tomorrow of this...

I was wondering: What units are the enemies represented by? I know it might be hard to make certain guys like revenants with the homing launchers, or Arch-Viles that set you on fire and resurrect fallen foes...
...If none of this sounds right, it's cause I've never played DOOM III. I'm actually working on a DOOM map right now, except it is much like the map RE: Raccoon City...
If I find anything that goes awry with your map, I'll be sure to point it out. Until then, rock on and peace out.
"Fly by night, goodbye my dear, my ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend..."
-Alex Lifeson, Clan 345 Extraordinaire
Doom is like the best map ever out...Lol...This map rox0r3 y0ur s0x0rs....Cool map anyway

Lol nice post Puni thank you for the support I have been really working on side projects instead of Doom 3 part 2. One being Vampires: Tainted Blood and the other Sim Ant i think you would get a kick outta that one puni xD
And to answer Alex: For the most part I chose units that looked simliar to the enemies in the game. Closest thing to a Revenant was a Goliath. Arch Vile was a DA but changed to a Archon. And if you need help with a Life or Ammo system I am the one to talk to

Just keeping up the enthusiasim so you don't abandon the map, And all your hard work goes to waste.
QUOTE((DB)Baal @ Mar 3 2005, 03:26 AM)
Lol nice post Puni thank you for the support I have been really working on side projects instead of Doom 3 part 2. One being Vampires: Tainted Blood and the other Sim Ant i think you would get a kick outta that one puni xD
And to answer Alex: For the most part I chose units that looked simliar to the enemies in the game. Closest thing to a Revenant was a Goliath. Arch Vile was a DA but changed to a Archon. And if you need help with a Life or Ammo system I am the one to talk to

Actually, I was wanting a life/ammo system for my DOOM maps, but it wasn't as planned...I was wondering how you did yours. I never actually saw it used yet as DOOM III in single player crashes after getting life decreased (the life gauge drops because of cheap single player triggers, reminding me of playing Infinite Shift single player...) Revenant as a Goli? Wouldn't a Vulture be more suitable? And what about a Mancubus (which looks like a goli, btw)? I think I'll post for my new map now, so good day. If you ever go onto US East, message EmberMage345 or SquallEvoker345. We would both want to talk with you if you could spare the moment.
QUOTE(Alex Lifeson @ Mar 3 2005, 09:04 PM)
Revenant as a Goli? Wouldn't a Vulture be more suitable? And what about a Mancubus (which looks like a goli, btw)? I think I'll post for my new map now, so good day. If you ever go onto US East, message EmberMage345 or SquallEvoker345. We would both want to talk with you if you could spare the moment.
Well a revenant had 2 rocket launchers on its shoulders so it resembles a gol a lot more than a vulture. Also there wouldnt be any problem in having the mancubi as gols too since theres a hero goliath also
Well until later in the game when you get a Chaingun which is a Gol. The mancubus is actually a Reaver. I thought slow moving high damage output from massive missles you get the general idea. And my Doom 3 map crashes in single player when you have you health get decreased? Weird never ment for that to happen.
Oh yeah, you know, you start it up off Battle.net and the health triggers go zonked. My life decreased to 51 one time I was damaged ONCE by a grunt. My armour was at 8. Then after walking along, I got killed by another guy, decreasing my life to about 30, then my health zonked out and dropped below 0 for no apparent reason. It said YOU HAVE DIED when I clearly was damaged by only 2 guys...lol.
If you can remember any more details about that it would be great. I have tried this map single player and I havn't come across any such glitch. Also it would be great if you would be able to indicate about where the problem occured and what weapon you were using cause I have never come across anything like this before.
You know, this happened twice. The first time I had the pistol and I was on the third Marine en route to the Shotgun. The health was REALLY wierd in subtraction. The other time was when I had gotten the shotgun, I was at about 50 life, I was walking along and my health went from 50, to 30, to 16, to 8, then it said I died. I think it INCREASED after it touched 0 and when back upwards again before I lost.
In addition, I'm going on SC now, about 5:20 Eastern Time Zone, going onto U.S. East if you're gonna be on. My SN is EmberMage345.
Errr you do know when those civs get really close to you they do about 4 or 5 damage each every second right? And judging on when you were talking those parts are chock full of civs. Thats no glitch thats the normal game. ><
I just played the map and I love it. It's really high quality and done very well. Some of the areas in the map actually reminded me and looked like areas in the ral game and the sounds added to the whole experience big time. I have a few things to point out though.
Why do you need scrolling leaderboards showing armor and life when it is right there for you to see in vespene gas and minerals?
You need to make the weapon units move offscreen when you change weapons instead of being removed because with the way it is now, all you have to do is kill something, switch weapons, switch back to the other weapon and you are healed.
Couldn't you have done something with the mars surface? I was waiting for that part and was anxious to see how you would do it and I was like wtf when I came to the part where teleporter breaks and demons are unleashed onto the map.
Oh and you know that cutscene in the real game where the marine is standing there and the demon soul goes into him and makes him evil? You should put that into the map. IT wouldn't be really hard. You could have the soul floating aroud the marine and him like walking a big here and there and looking really scared. Then it goes over him and he dies and you play one of those awesome wavs and he turns evil.
But so far this map is badass! Keep up the good work. Oh ya, you aren't going to be able to fit the whole game into one map right? How many do you think it will take you?
If only those healing stations could work more than once...
I was wondering, is it normal for the first Demon creature to run around like an idiot before entering the room that it wants to enter then the wall of DTs dissapearing? I said to my friends, "Stand in the room, this part looks familiar..." Suddenly the Demon appeared a half a minute later. It didn't seem to know how to open doors all too well...
I find concern in the item system also. It's VERY difficult to pick up items and leave some for your friends (or just to get them for yourself if you're that greedy.) Also, when you get to the part with the maggots I was cornered and pummeled to a pulp without a chance to fire...To say the least my health dropped from 70 to -12.
I was wondering...When your character dies, how much health/armour is lost?
On the pinky part you are supposed to be locked in. In the game he bangs on the door then jumps through the glass. I think you did a good job on that btw. And ya those maggots raped me hard. I was also concerned about picking up items. It seems that you have a 1x1 location around the player's unit so it doesn't get misplaced when changing weapons. Maybe you should put another 2x2 location around the player's unit for picking up items and such because it is a real pain. Other than that good map. I was even suprised by a few of those evil civilians that came out of nowhere. Great job!
Oh ya one more thing. The part where there is fire that is blocking your path. You should really cloak those bunkers. It would look a lot bettet.
Thanks again for the comments on the map. And actually the location for the item pickup is 2x2 it just has problem centering alot of the time for some reason. And the maggot part yeah I know it is extremely hard thats why you should be playing with more then just yourself see. Anyway yeah after alot of testing and stuff yeah I will do a switch thing for the units I am just really busy and at the time I had to get everything done before so I did the quick way out. And the cloak bunkers thing yeah I know I should cloak them but I was running low on locations and I had to conserve on as many trigs as possible.
Also Pears do you mean when the invasion first starts cause if you watch and sit there for a second without killing the civ he does change over. xD Don't worry I have alot of the stuff from the game in there.
Do you have one location on each of the civilians that talk? If so then you can save a lot of triggers by using burrowed units instead of individual locations. In my new rpg you can talk to every person in the map so i'm going to use combinations of different burrowable units underneath the people and base my dialogue triggers off of that. I suggest you do the same =p.
This may seem like I am ressurecting my thread but I have come across some very very VERY good news. Thanks to the new version of scm draft I am able to see my nook and cranny count and I figured out my main problem, Doodads. After much testing I have found that if I remove everysingle door doodad and replace them with the respective unit door doodad I will be able to fit the rest of the game into one map!

This is a very happy day for me

I would say that's awesome if the final version #1 has a full intro scene at the mission briefing (instead of stopping midway) and if #2 the door after the first boss actually opens...
Wow, I looked at the maps I'm working on and I have more than 6 under way...
Hey, can you add Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 as a minigame? And are you going to have enemies burst through walls? Can you make Imps a bit more deadly? Yeah, I'm done.