Let the user change what this list looks like without having to go through the coding manually and doing it that way
Ummm... the parser does it and it goes into the database as html. Plus I think its too much of a useless feature to implant, because no one caers how lists look

How about a undo button, that when clicked, will undo the last BB code that was added? If this feature is added, how about a redo button as well?
Only IP can tell us if thats possible with javascript. He's handling the BBcode/parsing section of the site.
# Allow the box(?) that you type text into when you make a reply to be bigger. In other words, the user will be able to change how large or small the box is. There would be a minimum pixels the box would be. This is useful for those real long posts that have a lot of BB codes, and you want to be able to see a lot of text at the same time. (No, this doesn't function the same as post preview.)
Once again, there is not a lot of usefulness in implanting this feature.
# I don't know about this feature, but... Lets say I make a very long post with a lot of bb codes in it. There are more than 3,000 characters in the post (not including the BB codes). I mess up on one of the BB codes, and as a result, the rest of the post is messed up. How about adding a feature that will show the user where a BB code is messing up?
Mmmmm... I don't think I can make it detect where a BB code is screwed up. Once again, this ones up to IP.