Hey Tux. Hows It goin? Havnt seen yah online for quite some time. So i finally got a SEN screen name
Anywho, Yah man, this seems like it will be freaking awesome. The words about how good games never last may be true, but that doesnt mean that this game shouldn't be good! They way i read, this is mainly not a b.net map? That will be good, cuz those fu*$%@# Asses on B.net nowadays wont appreciate this map. Im going to go write a poem about it now....
umm, non stop action. Hello... As long he he compresses it enough, I think it will be a big hit on Bnet. Please make the sounds OSF for shorted downloads. Tell the people in the map to go to (flashy letters that stack and such) "Staredit.net" to get the sounds.
It generates publicity for the site.
Crap... im real confused..... Tux... Ill msg you in private...
What do you have to message him in private that you can't share with us on SEN?
Hah... well I think I know a guy posing as him.... But im not sure if he was telling the truth or not, so im checking with Tux to make sure. If Tux isnt the same guy as the guy i know, Then ive never met tux, but if he is, .... Hi
A lot of posts have been posted.
Oh well
How much time left till you finish?
My estimate, if I can get a clear block of time to finish it, is about 1 month. But I probably won't have a clear block of time, as I think I've been pushing my luck lately as is, so it may take longer.
Wow, a month is faster than what I would have expected for a masterpiece such as this. Good Luck with that.
When I set a map making deadline (bad idea), it usually takes double the time I think it will take. Becuase it's the deadline for the complete end, I'ld say tripple (bugs turn up in the oddest places. And you have to go beta before your final releace).
I can wait three months (especially for something as good as this) so don't stress it.
(m.r.bob Posted May 8 2005, 03:36 PM)
Please make the sounds OSF for shorted downloads. Tell the people in the map to go to (flashy letters that stack and such) "Staredit.net" to get the sounds.
It generates publicity for the site.
Ugh, i see the OSF thing not a good idea...
i mean most of the time only friend + friend will play it... right? And most people wouldn't download the sounds or the OSF... I wouldn't, Besides it much too confusing for me (and others).
I won't use OSF. People just don't understand it, and it's not like it prevents you from having to download the full map at least once anyway.
I may make a music-free version, which'll probably bring the file size down to ~1 meg.
what music are you adding? are you adding bg music too?
My question is, what makes to corsair so suck????
I never tested it before, and I want screenshots!
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ May 11 2005, 08:26 PM)
I won't use OSF. People just don't understand it, and it's not like it prevents you from having to download the full map at least once anyway.
I may make a music-free version, which'll probably bring the file size down to ~1 meg.
Make the Bnet verson OSF instead of music free. It's better then music free. The OSF map file size is the same as the music free map file size. This just makes it so people on SEN can listen to the music and regular Bneters can't, instead of no one being able to listen to the music.
Another month, huh? Well, I kinda expected that, seeing as how you said in early April that itll be out in a couple of weeks.
And dont take this critically, Tux, but my image of you is changing. Not just a few months ago, you were this ingenious mapmaker of unique maps (i still loved how that cannonballs one), but lately, theres just nothing to attach your name to. You had a great map in the making, but that eventually fizzled to a stop. And with Rush! constantly being pushed back, all I can associate with you is Blizzard.
See SC: Ghost for why.
I said in early april it would take a few weeks, then I said I came up with new content ideas I wanted to add that would make it take longer. I polled whether it would be best to divide up the project to meet my intended release date, or to make it all as one map and draw it out longer, and decided to do the latter. You shouldn't think this is all just because I can't stick to deadlines.
As for my "image", just so you know I consider it a good thing if you can't decide. If there's one thing I hate more than anything else, it's to be bound to someone else's ignorant concept of what I should be to them. The implication of that is that there is no other substance to my being than simply being a map maker, or in this case, doing a project called Rush, and thus I have no right to be doing anything else. I don't owe you this. Don't think for a second I wouldn't hesitate to delete all my SC folders and turn to doing something else on a whim.
The only semblence of comittment I have here is to the few of my friends still around that I made promises to, but by now we all know that promises for things that are completely voluntary in the first place are really not promises at all.
Also, nothing I do is set in stone. Deal with it. Ideas to me come in bulk supply, and I throw them out and make them up by the dozen. The list I posted in my other thread about the projects I want to after Rush doesn't even begin to tap the surface, but frankly I had to narrow it down to the ones which would be the most worthwhile or realistic, and those were the ones I choose. I even added one idea after I already posted the thread as an afterthought, indicating just how plastic my thinking really is.
Tux is dealing with being a celebrity.
People should focus less on what is the next big thing, and focus more on what they could make to be the next big thing.
It will come out when it comes out. I don't care how long it might take, it will still be fun.
Tux, go for it. You cant rush perfection
I'd love to beta test your map when it is ready. And I will wait patiently for that moment. Yah, it may take a couple months... but bah. Who cares.
well... Penpen signing off i suppose....
I wonder how many people have requested that, penpen
Bleh.. you cant expect the general public to patient and wait (for months) for a game that the creator is saying "Soon to be the best UMS map ever!!"
you cant rush perfection, but you can speed it up
How about an update tux? this has fallen back a page. so I'm here asking for an update. Did you get the triggers working for player 2? i heard you were having a problem with it.
I'm just chugging away at stuff, so there's nothing to really update about that any of you would be concerned about.
Specking of "rush" someone should make Rush hour lol that was a fun minigame thing i used to play.
I dnno what to say really... cant wait to see it, to play, and to study it. Another fine map from tux
. Your maps have always been different than the normal, therefore i have you set as map maker #1 until i have proof that you arent #1.
*Yawn. Wake me up when Tux turns Rush! or A&O into a movie.