What unit is going to be the 'Health Inspector', if he isn't a unit, will he be like... talking on the phone? And what will the salesman do? Is there going to be possible cooking mistakes(
The health inspector is *probably* going to be a templar.
The salesman is just a salesman, you are allowed to goto the Building-o-Stuff, which is next door to your bar and has a snazzy elevator with different things on each floor..
ANYWAY, the salesman is just there so you have someone to talk to when you're buying things...
There WILL be cooking mistakes for all the foods!
If you're cooking too fast, the mistakes will be easier to make...
Lets say you're cooking some meat, and you need it well done.. that will take 30 seconds, but your customer is ready to leave in about 15 seconds!
So what do you do? Turn up the heat on your oven!
The time will begin to speed up, but if the timer is going too fast then it will be harder to time 30 seconds precisely. And any more than 30 seconds, and it will burn.
Your chef WILL be able to walk around the city, its the only way for the chef to buy more supplies to keep the bar running.