Yes, and Blizzard has decided not to take action against them.
Go away and stop trolling.
If Blizzard doesn't take action against all violations, then it is more than possible for them to not take action against this one in particular.
I believe he's referring to why replays aren't useless in general.
Well, I'll respond to the stated point, not the implied point.
Replays is a comparatively minor point. One of ihatett's major claims in argument is that Dk's actions--in this case, the EUD stuff--are breaking SC's EULA.
If you say that modifying unit deaths in maps (and causing side effects as capable of affecting normal SC as UMS triggers do in the first place) is against the EULA, then... I ADMIT IT! I BROKE THE EULA TOO!! Jail me won't ya. -_-
QUOTE(EzDay281 @ Aug 7 2005, 06:48 PM)
If Blizzard doesn't take action against all violations, then it is more than possible for them to not take action against this one in particular.
Well, I'll respond to the stated point, not the implied point.
Um... his stated point had nothing to do with patches... He was talking about one reason why replays aren't useless:
Replays... useless? Wake up
Replays are useful for melee tournaments, so someone who lost his match can't just go and say "Ok I won my match!"
BTW: Since ihatett's points are clearly unclear, and lost behind all these pages of arguing, I think he should restate his main points clearly and concisely

QUOTE(Sessasse @ Aug 7 2005, 05:48 PM)
Why the Hell you Mod are enough Foolish to Open this thread? Damn Non-Human Mod!!
Okay, New Listen People.
Stop spamming.
If these EUD triggers are exploited, then let them be. But if these somehow turn into or promote hacks, then something needs to be done.
Yes, I fully admit I was wrong to have elaborated on the issue of replays. My opinion on the subject doesn't matter. I was merely trying to prove to people — although I have strayed too far off topic — that BWScanner doesn't provide enough functionality to be frustrated about it's deactivation for a couple of weeks due to a new patch. I have still not yet heard from patchophobic (please do not flame me for coining a new word) ihatett why he is so against Deathknight's research.
Yenku, 1.12? 1.12 patched nothing, it added new features. But wow, how ignorant. "I hate him now because Blizzard decided to patch something that could ruin melee!", ok so let's look at what would happen if blizzard did NOT patch Starcraft, retard. Blizzard needs to patch it, gameplay is more important than replays.
Also, you ignorant wonderful friend, I told you Blizzard never responded or fixed the problems I've sent them in the past.
What is everybody arguing about? Ihatett was wrong, and he seemed to have stopped posting in this thread. Replays are useful to people that find use for them.
The end. Why are you still posting?
He's on the site for melee. And UMS is insignificant to melee. If you think otherwise your very ignorant.
Alright, now give me some proof for this, otherwise you're "ignorant" of what "logical debate" is. I still haven't seen any kind of proof that UMS is insignificant, and until someone provides it, it's a meaningless point.
I play SC for what it is, not what it isnt.
And what it is is one of the most versatile games of its time.
Even if it is possible (i doubt it is). I know I as a melee guy DONT WANT TRIGGERS IN MELEE.
How the Hell is that a response to what he said? He just said that it's impossible to have triggers in melee, and your response is that you don't want them? How are those two related?
Who the censored.gif cares? Even if his numbers are wrong we all know that people do like melee moreso than UMS.
... Refer to my first quote-counter...
Why the Hell you Mod are enough Foolish to Open this thread? Damn Non-Human Mod!!
Okay, New Listen People.
Bah, we're humans, we like yelling at each other pointlessly!
Chu Os, Why the hell, This Thread is full of flaming, insult and spam. Why you bother to keep it open? That stupid.
I start thinking that the mod around are foolish!!!
QUOTE(MiLlEnNiUmArMy @ Aug 7 2005, 06:52 PM)
If these EUD triggers are exploited, then let them be. But if these somehow turn into or promote hacks, then something needs to be done.

It should be impossible in normal SC because they're triggers though. If you could get non-melee triggers to work in melee games, you wouldn't need EUD to exploit anyway.
Set invincibility status for all any units owned by Me to: On
Preserve trigger

QUOTE(Sessasse @ Aug 7 2005, 05:54 PM)
Chu Os, Why the hell, This Thread is full of flaming, insult and spam. Why you bother to keep it open? That stupid.
I start thinking that the mod around are foolish!!!
You're the only one not contributing to the topic. Warn level up for continued spam.
Well Something that can be done is to remove the "CHeats" feature on Überedit. I mean.. That suckzor My BoxXxorz.
Edit: See I contribute to the Spam and Flaming, Happy CHu? YOu feel special now CHu?
I tried closing it, but he reoponed it for some reason (I assume it was him). He should be spending his time banning Deathknight instead.
QUOTE(chuOS @ Aug 7 2005, 06:55 PM)
You're the only one not contributing to the topic. Warn level up for continued spam.
Whoa there, chu. You have to admit you kinda went nuts.
Y'all should stop asking people to "read my last post", there are obviously too many new posts being posted too fast. We should get a chat room for this...
QUOTE(Deathknight @ Aug 7 2005, 05:53 PM)
Yenku, 1.12? 1.12 patched nothing, it added new features. But wow, how ignorant. "I hate him now because Blizzard decided to patch something that could ruin melee!", ok so let's look at what would happen if blizzard did NOT patch Starcraft, retard. Blizzard needs to patch it, gameplay is more important than replays.
Also, you ignorant wonderful friend, I told you Blizzard never responded or fixed the problems I've sent them in the past.
You can speak your points but cut it out on the name calling.
And that goes for just about everyone here whose also partipated in these retarded name callings.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Aug 7 2005, 05:53 PM)
What is everybody arguing about? Ihatett was wrong, and he seemed to have stopped posting in this thread. Replays are useful to people that find use for them.
The end. Why are you still posting?
He quit simply because he's already said what he had to say and it's useless continuing on. This is starting to be like one of those religion threads.
Ihatett still visits this thread once every couple minutes. As a thread starter, he should post here, either by using well-supported, sensible appeals to prove that he is right, or admit that he is stirring up things for no reason. A few posts back, I apologized for criticizing the watching or replays online, and have also apologized for straying off topic. If it is appropriate, ihatett should do the same.
If he can't chose between the two, he should no longer post here.
QUOTE(PCFredZ @ Aug 7 2005, 05:56 PM)
Whoa there, chu. You have to admit you kinda went nuts.
Call in IP or Yoshi if you think so. Maybe I am insane and need to be banned myself?
QUOTE(EzDay281 @ Aug 7 2005, 06:39 PM)
Apparently they do.
Valid point, but most tournaments don't intersect patches.
And anyways, as has been said before, you can just use an older version. If you're hosting a tournament, that shouldn't be much of a problem.
There are many ongoing ladders. WGT for example, and it requires reps.
QUOTE(Sessasse @ Aug 7 2005, 06:48 PM)
Why the Hell you Mod are enough Foolish to Open this thread? Damn Non-Human Mod!!
Okay, New Listen People.
Your not contributing.
QUOTE(Deathknight @ Aug 7 2005, 06:53 PM)
Yenku, 1.12? 1.12 patched nothing, it added new features. But wow, how ignorant. "I hate him now because Blizzard decided to patch something that could ruin melee!", ok so let's look at what would happen if blizzard did NOT patch Starcraft, retard. Blizzard needs to patch it, gameplay is more important than replays.
Also, you ignorant wonderful friend, I told you Blizzard never responded or fixed the problems I've sent them in the past.
Exuse me 1.13. You :censored:ing knew what i meant. And it did

up lots.
Why didnt you tell them instead of USING IT? Then they wouldnt have to rush it out and

up reps.
That a :censored:ing great idea Chu.
Go on, Ban me, abuse your Power, I don,t give a heck, 3 minutes and i have a new account.
Call in IP or Yoshi if you think so. Maybe I am insane and need to be banned myself?
was a bit of a sudden attack on something that's no worse than things that have happened in other threads that have not brought warn levels.
QUOTE(Sessasse @ Aug 7 2005, 05:59 PM)
That a :censored:ing great idea Chu.
Go on, Ban me, abuse your Power, I don,t give a heck, 3 minutes and i have a new account.
100% warn = suspension for 3 days. I asked you not to spam here.
Many of you feel that Dk should have kept many of his findings secret.
In case if you haven't noticed, that's not the standard style for either him or other... uh, h4x0r5. I really don't know these terms well, but I guess I can just say it's highy unorthodox for anyone in his position (which most of us can relate to. MOST. ) to follow the orthodox route, such as going "omg i need to keep this a secret so the almighty blizzard dudes can fix it before... [shudder]... it leaks to the public!! noo!!*".
*Exaggerated situation. Do not attempt in public.
QUOTE(EzDay281 @ Aug 7 2005, 06:54 PM)
Alright, now give me some proof for this, otherwise you're "ignorant" of what "logical debate" is. I still haven't seen any kind of proof that UMS is insignificant, and until someone provides it, it's a meaningless point.
Bah, we're humans, we like yelling at each other pointlessly!
You, like I said, are being ignorant. Everything i said was correct.
QUOTE(chuOS @ Aug 7 2005, 06:55 PM)
You're the only one not contributing to the topic. Warn level up for continued spam.
Dont be an ass Chu.
QUOTE(chuOS @ Aug 7 2005, 07:02 PM)
100% warn = suspension for 3 days. I asked you not to spam here.
wow, stop man.
What some people fail to realize, is that even if a certain exploit is not detected in a specific version of Starcraft, the vulnerability is still there. It is in the best interest of everyone to find exploits as soon as possible, and to release new patches — even if those patches make certain replays unwatchable without five minutes of extra work on your side — because if not, someone much later will find an exploit, who perhaps uses it all by himself, and thus no one finds out about it soon enough. The patch will then arrive much later, leaving you with more incompatible replays, and even more contempt for the person who, in your eyes, have warranted the creation of the patch.