QUOTE(Moogle @ Dec 16 2005, 02:05 AM)
Just wondering are we going see and hear music from dance scene with yuna when she sending the dead peoples spirits to whereever??
thats up to golden, if it were me, probably not cuz i cant get my hands on a wav like that lol.
QUOTE(Moogle @ Dec 15 2005, 09:05 PM)
Just wondering are we going see and hear music from dance scene with yuna when she sending the dead peoples spirits to whereever??
Uh, I don't remeber that music exactly, but I'm pretty sure i'll have it, and if I don't, well then I'll find something that fits.
The Hymn of faith?
How could you not know that awesome song....
lol i already told him on a private msg crazy, btw we need u to tell us if uve played FFX for ps2 or not.
QUOTE(Mp)Cloud @ Dec 15 2005, 07:55 PM)
lol i already told him on a private msg crazy, btw we need u to tell us if uve played FFX for ps2 or not.
Yes.. I have.., I even replied to the msg earlier...
eh? oops my bad then, ty anyway lol
ive played it all the way up to calm lands
okey Perfect then
Testers that HAVE played - Myfatherson and CrazyNinja
Testers that HAVN'T played - Boyscout and DorkHawk
You spelt "Final" wrong. It's not Fianl. I like my ghetto copy and paste images.
omfg i did... ill blame on mp cloud i just copy paste a messange he sent me lol or was it me... i cant remember...
nope was me i have to go fix it thats annoying now..
golden you sure you dont wnat a sig :\
will add your name on it..
The only sig I would want is a sig that shows Sin, Auron, Jecht, and Tidus on one side (With a picture of Zanarkand hopefully) and Yuna Wakka Lulu Kimahri and Rikku on the other with a picture of spira (Or besaid, Or just make the Tidus side red and the Yuna side Blue) and have Seymour in the middle with Final Fantasy X somewhere.
But I doubt you can find enough good pictures to make it look good, espically of Jecht.
Jecht i think i have good pic for him.. but the only thing is im not going to make another one
unless i edit one of the character on thoes sig ontop
your gonna have to edit them all, your spelled final wrong!!!
Lolorz gombolorz
how's progress?
horrible? we still arnt done terrain.
It's not "Horrible" it's delayed
I'll work on the terrain a bunch on winter break, and by a bunch I mean finish the last 3 things I have to do. The rest of terrain is up to Ryu, which I haven't seen in a few weeks...
well if we cant get ryu maby wooden'll do it
Check out t3h uber 1337 kimarhi sig
QUOTE(BoyScout @ Dec 17 2005, 01:42 PM)
Was that needed? Even if it was, was it needed in big red text. I don't have to use your sigs you know.
no offence but your sigs arent that good neways
well just tell me when to test and all that other good stuff
QUOTE(Golden-Moose @ Dec 17 2005, 10:07 PM)
Was that needed? Even if it was, was it needed in big red text. I don't have to use your sigs you know.
lol hes excited that hes gettin Xbox 360, i would be too.
ha i got one and its F***in amazing u'll be happy u got it.
i hate to burst everyones bubble.....but this was already made 2 years back. look on sc online and browse around or type in final fantasy 10 starcraft map