Cloud's computer broke. Looks like another case of "Person disappears and never works on the map again." It's a good thing too, because it's not like I really wanted to make the map or anything.
This. Really. Sucks.
Final Fantasy X
The first game on the Sony Playstation 2. First with voice acting, the story of a kid named Tidus who gets thrown into an unknown world. At first all he wants to do is get back home to Zanarkand. But soon Tidus will realize he is in this new world named Spira and can not leave. As he meets up with some colorful characters he'll get caught up in a quest that's way over his head. Will he save Spira? Will he go home? Will he even survie the challeneges before him? Find out.
November 27th - Everything posted!
November 28th - Screenshot Updated, Progress updated
December 3rd - Golden-Moose's Birthday!
December 6th - Base terrian for Besaid Island is finished
December 6th - Music is now working!
December 6th - Character Backround Changed, Map 1 Info Added
December 10th - Cleaned up useless parts of this Post
January 2nd - I got over my rage, terrain up to Luca is done
January 2nd - Battle System is in functional form
January 2nd - First few cutscenes done, party selection finished
February 23rd - I decide by myself to do Demo last :/
Yeah the progress of the demo is stationary currently, due to me getting the direct script and helping Cloud with the real map itself. This Demo will probably be finished a lot later then I thought it would.
Demo is postponed till we're near completion with the map
Map 1Well Map 1 has offically started! Since we have base terrian Me and Cloud are debating units for all the parts of the game, i'll list most of them here. First i'll list some basic info:
•Map starts in Besaid goes to Killikah, Luca, Highroad, and ends in Mushroom Rock Road
•All Aeons and Bosses will be in the game
•Will feature real music from the game (Though some parts won't have the same music as in the game)
-Sin's Fin ~
Greater Spire (With Sin Spawns)-Sinspawn Echuilles ~
Dark Archon (With Sinsacles)-Ochu ~
Ultra-Sinspawn Geneaux ~
Hydra (Sunkens will be it's Arms)-Oblitzerator ~
Goliath-Chocobo Eater ~
Rever (May be changed)-Sinspawn Gui ~
Being Debated•Aeons
-Valefore ~
Mutalisk-Ifrit ~
TankThese all apply to the first map, not all the maps so some of these units will be used for other things in other maps.
We've been getting a lot done lately

-Map•256x256 (Real and Demo)
•Jungle (Demo and Full)
Storyline / Introduction
I'll try to make this more different then above:
A small teenager named Tidus lives in the land of Zanarkand. In Zanarkand he has friends, family, and sports like blitzball. Tidus happens to be one of the best Blitzball players in the legue. During one of his games disaster strikes, a giant monster named Sin attacks the city. Tidus barley makes it out of his Blitzball match alive, afterwards in the panic he meets an old childhood friend named Auron. Although Tidus is still confused Auron hands him a sword and says it's from Jecht, his father. Tidus had not seen Jecht for many years and was under the impression that he abanonded him. Tidus does not have time to think as monsters are launched out of Sin. From there Tidus is forced to fight his way through waves of enemies.
When he thought he was in the clearing, it was only the beginning. Auron takes Tidus next to the monster Sin and feeds him into it. From there Tidus and Auron get seperated Tidus finds himself in the middle of ruins. As he swims towards the temple to find shelter he is attacked by a giant sea creature. After a fearsome battle Tidus has to retreat into the temple, he's stuck in there and starts looking for a way to make a fire and food.
During his time seaching he meets a mysterious women. At first she helps him to defeat a threat that was following Tidus in the temple. Afterwards the women's friends come through the doors. They speak in an unknown language that Tidus can't understand. In the middle of the confusion they knock Tidus out. After Tidus recovers he finds himself on a ship. The women he met before approaches him and speaks his language. She explains her name is Rikku and gives Tidus some food, they start talking and Rikku asks how he ended up where he did. Tidus explains what happened to him as if he was trying to make himself believe it. He thought no one would ever believe what happened to him. However the answer Tidus was looking for did not appear, instead he finds out that his hometown Zanarkand was destoryed 1,000 years ago...
•Battle System
•Real Music from the Game
-CharactersThese have all been modifed to say what they say in the instruction manual of the game itself.
Characters shown in order of appearance
TidusTidus is a cheerful, rising blitzball star playing for the Zanarkand Abes. He has long hated his father, who was a renowned player himself before his untimely death. Tidus's quick moves allow him to attack even the swiftest foes with ease.•
AuronThe legendary guardian who, together with High Summoner Braska, deafeated Sin ten years ago. A man of fews words, he guides Yuna and Tidus on their mission to wanquish Sin once more. He swings his gigantic sword with such power that even the toughest fiends are cut asunder.•
RikkuA young Al Bhed girl. He personality is upbeat and positive, and she is not afarid to speak her mind. She works hard to restore her outcast people to their former glory. Rikku handles mechanical enemies with ease, and can steal items from enemies too.•
WakkaCoach and captain of the local blitzball team, the Besaid Aurochs. Wakka plans to retire from the sport after this year's tournament, so that he can devote himself fully to serving as Yuna's guardian. His deadly blitzball is especially useful for knocking down aerial enemies.•
LuluOne of Yuna's guardians. She and Wakka think of Yuna as a yonger sister. Lulu's stoic and self-possessed nature makes her seem insensitive at times. She specializes in the art of black magic, using various dolls to help cast powerful spells.•
KimahriA powerful warrior of the Ronso tribe. Kimahri has watched over Yuna from her youngest days. He speaks little, but is deeply devoted to Yuna and serves her loyally as a guardian. Kimahri can learn enemy skills with his Lancent ability.•
YunaDaughter of High Summoner Braska, Honest and determined, Yuna embarks on a pilgrimage to obtain the Final Aeon and defeat Sin. Yuna is learning the mystical art of summoning aeons--powerful spirits of yore.-Items•Classic FF items
•Pheoneix Down
•Other items (I don't know for sure)
-SpellsI can confirm only a few:
•Fire (Firebat)
•Water (Dragoon)
•Thunder (High Templar)
•Blizzard (Archon)
Screenshots / Demo

The view of Zanarkand at the beginning of game and everyone in a fire.

My terrain got replaced, so this is newer besaid

Picture of Killikah, mine also got replaced

Battle Areas, I made them!

Cloud's ghey picture

I just like this picture.
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