QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jun 15 2006, 12:02 PM)
If you can honestly purport that opinon, then why are you compelled to flame back at every member that even ruffles your pride? If you truly believe what you said, try learning to turn the other cheek.[right][snapback]507014[/snapback][/right]
Or use a better way of dealing with the situation. Unfortnately calling someone immature for being called a "ghey noob" is "Unprofessional" real "professionals" live in their happy world and disregard hate :
I would think it very unlikely that a post can be regarded as spam by several members, and not be read by any of the moderators.
Welcome to SEN.
Though what Kellimus said is pretty much hypocritcal since his flamming is smaller, but in almost every single post, he has a point. Plus most of the reason I hate certain people on the fourm is because they're spamming their way to get status(s?) like Regular, or Elite. Which sort of ruins the purpose of those titles, in my opinion. I'm sure someone is going to add it "Wait for V5, where you don't get Regular and Elite with posts alone" but I guratee that people like
Deathawk and
RedNara will both get elite before V5. In which it took most people already elite around a year and a half, and others even longer to achieve. I'm not saying they spam a lot now (In deathawk's case...) but they did at some point, and nothing was done about it.
Maybe if there wasn't a real reason to get Elite/Regular except for a colored name, then people wouldn't spam as much. I know someone who is trying to get a Regular title so they can edit Title and send Carbon Copy PMs. Though elite status is nothing that speical, regular is since they have more possiblites and it takes so long to get there, 300 posts? That seems kind of high just to send the same message to 3 different people. The only reason I wanted to get elite was so that I wouldn't be related to other people who spammed there way to get hundreds of posts, but apparently that idea won't work soon.
So if you missed the jist of my post it's that Spamming is more popular then flamming, and spamming could even start flamming. Some people might post stupid stuff in a topic and other people will get upset that he's allowed to do that. Spamming is possible anywhere, the only place I see possible for flamming is certain topics in Null (Which should be easy to spot immidietly) Lite/Serious Discussion, and maybe Maps in Production if some person keeps talking about how a map sucks etc.