ok ok i got one for one i think in the shop there should be a thing were you can change the color of your name insteed of white you can make it green,blue,red,yellow,black etc... and im sure this has been said but ill type it anyways i think we should get more arcade games and oh umm we should have a hole section just about graphix and they should be worth minrals smile.gif
I'm not implanting games. IP mentioned somewhere that after v5 is released, he may make a small arcade. Personally, I'm against it. We already have plans for color of name, so don't worry about it.
1. As you know,You own at coding and all that stuff,There could be this kind of mod,which emails people who are inactive for X amout of days,and if they do not come back on SEN for a few days later,It would delete there account,to prevent fake accounts.
I hardly see how this would prevent fake accounts. Plus inactive users don't need to be reminded to come back... if they dont want to be here its totally their choice.
2. Add a section for BBcodes and help and the fading tool and all that junk.It could be called: Help
Most likely, we're not going to have too many complex BB codes. Fading is something I seriously don't like, because it takes up dramatically more space in our database. For every 1 character you write, its about 40x then that it would be in the database.
3. There should be like,Some private stuff for the members to play with,like there own little arcade which they can customize through their control panel,and have a limit of 5 games.
Once again, there is no usefulness to this feature. We're not a gaming site, the games we have here are meant as minor diversions, and should not be your purpose of being here.
5. I know this may sound impossible,But why dont you actuelly try and create AN OFFICIAL SITE for Staredit.net,Because this is just a forum with UPortal and some mods on.
I don't exactly know what you mean by "offical site". It's not going to be a forum with mods anymore, its going to be a website with modules (including forums, but the forums aren't required for the rest of the site to run. Its seperate). If you mean, offical site for staredit, blizzard is the one who declares "offical" stuff, but I have to say, we're probaly the closest thing to a offical map making site.
6. This is off-Topic,But do you think I could see the old V3 Staredit when I first came here ages ago as a guest.My bro Cameron A.K.A cammz2.5.coa says it looked very nice.
I have it somewhere on this computer, don't recall where. It was black with a bright white.