You call me a hypocrite and then you respond. Cute. happy.gif
Naw I just had to put you in your place.
No, you never did. Quote it if you did. Funny how you won't.
Explain why how UMS design is different from melee design.
Funny huh?
Oh really? How about this... these are direct quotes:
Sorry, but if you lie about what happened, you are sure to get owned. biggrin.gif
Nice thought, but no I didn't lie and no I didn't get owned. You really proved my point as well there. I said:
Impossible? I didn't just use a single theoretical map you idiot, I also stated that maps that are in production and already made, such as ones by Tux and Bolt. The fact is you can do more with UMS than you can with Melee. And I didn't compare a crap UMS to a great Melee like you did, I compared the best melee and the best UMS.
What you said proves nothing or counters anything about what I said. Read more closely.
Also, funny how you missed my huge bold question asking why you keep taking my statements out of context. I'll post the whole thing again, exactly how it appeared:
Out of context? Lol, that's like me asking why don't you try making a UMS map, maybe because you know if you actually tried you would find it to be equally as hard to make as a melee map? Yes it would.
I have to repeat myself because you don't respond. For an example, see above. smile.gif
It's better than me having to repeat myself, because you are ignorant
And eventually I do respond, but unlike you, your ignorance never goes away.
Like I said in my last three posts, including this one:
"Explain how triggers are not kiddie-programming, and how the rest of UMS is not kiddie-design. Fact is, you can't."
Like most things, they water both down and make both easier for you in return for you having relatively little control over what you can do. And if you think you have lots of control when making UMS, try making your own game.
I already answered that, and you haven't done your part.
Secondly, GJ! You are still comparing UMS to actual programming, what a fool. I wasn't comparing the control you have over UMS to programming you idiot, I was comparing to melee. And really, UMS is more of creating your own game than melee is, so your point is now void.
What in god's name are you talking about? Explain, and then I will respond.
Lol, hmm maybe I should have said that in the first place, ok then substitute that with what I said, then answer the question too.
Har har.
Modified equation, Arrogance + Ignorance + Hypocrisy = ihatett
Btw all your arguments aren't furthering your point at all.