This thread served it's purpose. Close it.

Then they wouldnt have to rush it out and up reps.
The replays would have turned out the same way, and Starcraft would just have a lot of public exploits for a longer period of time, like the crashing character, scv repair crash, etc.
Why do you release this stuff? Why don't you directly contact Blizzard? Your refusal to explain this should be proof enough of your bad intent.
You should be banned, quite frankly.
QUOTE(chuOS @ Aug 7 2005, 07:02 PM)
100% warn = suspension for 3 days. I asked you not to spam here.
I for one back up Chu and support his actions.
Frankly, ihatett, the things DK doesn't isn't "ban worthy" here at SEN.
Wow, stated directly to MOI? That's AMAZING!
Are EUD triggers really a reason to patch Starcraft? I didn't think so, but Blizzard did, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Check out my updated signature!
You, like I said, are being ignorant. Everything i said was correct.
No, I'm correct, and I've got God's backing on that.
I'm going to provide
absolutely no proof of that, because you're all just supposed to believe what I said unquestioningly.
This thread served it's purpose. Close it.
Umm... this topic isn't resolved yet, it's still active, and it apparently doesn't contain anything that moderators feel are 'bad' for SEN, so it stays alive. That's how forums work.
Why do you release this stuff? Why don't you directly contact Blizzard? Your refusal to explain this should be proof enough of your bad intent.
You should be banned, quite frankly.
I've sent bugs to Blizzard in the past, and, "No Response". Why would I send anything to Blizzard now if they don't even respond to anything?
*dies of coughing fit*
QUOTE(ihatett @ Aug 7 2005, 04:10 PM)
Why do you release this stuff? Why don't you directly contact Blizzard? Your refusal to explain this should be proof enough of your bad intent.
You should be banned, quite frankly.
Maybe because he wants to contribute to the community? I doubt Blizzard would release a patch because of one e-mail with a couple replays. A massive outbreak of hacking? Maybe.
You really are stupid.
You don't directly corrupt replays any more than someone burning their neighbor's house down directly causes their neighbor to buy a new house. But if you can't see the correlation, you have serious, serious problems.
And you still won't answer that question. I wonder why?
Oh, I will try to close it once more.
QUOTE(ihatett @ Aug 7 2005, 06:10 PM)
Why do you release this stuff? Why don't you directly contact Blizzard? Your refusal to explain this should be proof enough of your bad intent.
You should be banned, quite frankly.
ihateTT, I'm sure tons of people have tried directly contacting Blizzard about problems in SC. But their typical response is usually quick and conditioned by corporate policies. However much DK might be doing this unintentionally, stirring up the Starcraft community creates more response and faster actions towards problems within Starcraft.
Example: Float a drone patched after ... years(?) of existing?
VS: Mutamorph patched within days of release.
What's funny is that I just realized that EUD isn't even widespread yet! Have you seen massive amounts of Mac users dropping and complaining? NO! Lol!
LoL 2 attemp failed.
Oh well. Mac user are 2% of Sen User. They don't count much. Anyway, why they complain they seems to find EUD triggers Useless

ihatett, you don't want me to answer any questions. You just want to set me up and make me look bad. You locked the topic to prevent me from answering, so i won't.
Ihatett.. I just have to say this:
You're dumb for even thinking of trying to get legal actions put against DK because it's not possible. He has done absolutely NOTHING WRONG!
Give me a break.
First of all, the drone-float hack isn't as ridiculously game breaking as the one Deathknight happily released (and it still wasn't fixed as of 1.11b). Plus, that one was RELEASED TO EVERYONE! So what the hell is your point?
Second, if Deathknight had never found the muta hack, who knows how long it would have gone unnoticed (and the rest of us free from it)?
Third, if he did find it, then not released it to everyone and instead contacted Blizzard about it, then we would have the benifit of no one knowing about it and Blizzard having some time to react.
Instead, he actively searches out exploits and gives everyone instructions on how to do it.
Using your logic, the people who release maphacks should be praised. Unreal.
@Kellimus: That's a fallacious comment I believe.
He has broken the EULA hasn't he?
Making a Map hack and Find a glitch is really different.
Dk FInd things and spread it.
He break Eula rules? Who don't...
QUOTE(ihatett @ Aug 7 2005, 04:25 PM)
Give me a break.
First of all, the drone-float hack isn't as ridiculously game breaking as the one Deathknight happily released (and it still wasn't fixed as of 1.11b). Plus, that one was RELEASED TO EVERYONE! So what the hell is your point?
Second, if Deathknight had never found the muta hack, who knows how long it would have gone unnoticed (and the rest of us free from it)?
Third, if he did find it, then not released it to everyone and instead contacted Blizzard about it, then we would have the benifit of no one knowing about it and Blizzard having some time to react.
Instead, he actively searches out exploits and gives everyone instructions on how to do it.
Using your logic, the people who release maphacks should be praised. Unreal.
Um... Using OUR logic will show that you have no clue of what you are talking about.
Manipulating Memory is not against the law.
Are you dumb?
I know many people break the EULA, I was just pointing out he didn't do "NOTHING WRONG".
QUOTE(ihatett @ Aug 7 2005, 06:25 PM)
Give me a break.
First of all, the drone-float hack isn't as ridiculously game breaking as the one Deathknight happily released (and it still isn't really fixed).
Second, if Deathknight had never found the muta hack, who knows how long it would have gone unnoticed (and the rest of us free from it)?
Third, if he did find it, then not released it to everyone and instead contacted Blizzard about it, then we would have the benifit of no one knowing about it and Blizzard having some time to react.
Instead, he actively searches out exploits and gives everyone instructions on how to do it.
Using your logic, the people who release maphacks should be praised. Unreal.
Drone-float is a bug, not a hack.
MutaMorph was not discovered by DK, nor was his version of it a hack.
How do extended triggers hurt melee? We've already established that the mutamorph thing was not his doing rather that it became a huge issue when he himself found a way to do it without hacking the game.
QUOTE(devilesk @ Aug 7 2005, 04:25 PM)
@Kellimus: That's a fallacious comment I believe.
He has broken the EULA hasn't he?
No, he hasn't. No where in the EULA does it say you cannot manipulate Memory.
and Blizzard having some time to react.
Ok, you complain about me causing a patch, but Blizzard would have to patch it ANYWAY, thus corrupting your PRECIOUS replays whether you like it or not.
Give it a break, the whole meaning os SEN is to push the limits. I'm surprized Yoshi hasn't closed this due to going against teh ideals of the website. it'd be a good thing.
Although, everyone should remember that to flame to avoid a question is to show stupidity.
1. Deathknight was not the first person to deiscover the morph exploit
2. Deathknight did contact blizzard about it, from what I know: BEFORE he released it to anyone
3. Deathknight told NO ONE how to do it, other people (like myelf) figured it out independently
4. Deathknight decided that his discovery of EUD triggers was not exploitable like a morph hack and shared the information like the rest of his extended player/unit discoveries
5. Deathknight did inform Blizzard about it
QUOTE(Deathknight @ Aug 7 2005, 04:29 PM)
Ok, you complain about me causing a patch, but Blizzard would have to patch it ANYWAY, thus corrupting your PRECIOUS replays whether you like it or not.
You have not caused a patch because they cannot patch memory >.<
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Aug 7 2005, 07:28 PM)
No, he hasn't. No where in the EULA does it say you cannot manipulate Memory.
devilesk: HI
deathknight13579: hi
devilesk: i have a quick question
deathknight13579: hhihi
deathknight13579: ok
devilesk: have u violated the EULA?
devilesk: ever?
deathknight13579: everyone has
deathknight13579: havn't they ?

Quick aim convo