QUOTE(Desperado @ Sep 7 2006, 09:24 PM)
It's really funny to look at WHO is for and against this program. Everyone who says it is a good idea has never made a map and doesn't even play on Battle.net. Everyone who is against it actually plays on Battle.net and 100% of the real map makers here are against it.
Koltz, for example, has no clue what he is talking about. I find it hard to believe he has ever even played StarCraft.
Legacy's intention was to force open source maps upon everyone. While it is easy to make an argument defending this action, the resemblance to Anakin Skywalker of Star Wars is uncanny. He commits evil acts to save what he loves. Certain people have a conscience and thus have a harder time commiting an act of horrible evil even if it is for the greater good.
OSMAP is good. Sharing is good. If you download MP3s or ISOs and you don't support OSMAP, you're a hypocrite. LegacyWeapon is a god, and I will probably be banned for thinking and speaking of such radical things.
I don't think people are going to know you're being sarcastic.
How do you know I'm being sarcastic in that post? I already had my fun spamming the other thread with stupid things like a "protection religion", but I'm completely serious when I say OSMAP is good. We should all embrace OSMAP because if anyone tries to circumvent it, Legacy will probably just release a new version that will stop all pathetic attempts at protecting maps. Complaining about it will get this community nowhere, just accept the fact that people will ruin your maps and keep making them anyway.
Look, Tuxedo Templar, in his post when he made Rush, taught people an important lesson: Don't make your map so people will respect you, make it to entertain them. You're not some figure of authority or something to be respected because you've made a map. UMS map makers, in the grand scheme of things, are about on par with a circus freak or court jester in terms of respect on battle.net. If you go into a channel full of pubs, are the peasents (keeping with the medieval theme) going to bow down to you because you've made a UMS map? Hell no, people mostly play melee, they don't care about this community whatsoever. So don't make your maps for the pubs. Ignore them. They don't care about you, just your maps (and even then, they don't care because they only want to play micro maps/strip the girl maps/stupid stuff like that).
Okay, so why are you making your maps then? For respect here? Go ahead, just make them, post them here and get respect from other mappers. You don't need to protect your maps from people at SEN, they're not out to steal your credit and they can't if you post a thread.
My point is, who are you trying to protect your map from? Some insignificant pubbies? Ignore them, they're stupid. However, a group you should allow access to your maps is the potential mapper. How do you think this community grew? By hiding techniques and not allowing access to the source of your map? No. It grew from noobs that looked at some triggers and said to themselves, "hey, it's not so hard, I can do it too" and they met others that could and created a community like this.
Some would argue, "but exobyte, the potential mapper can just DL trigger viewer or whatever". True, but who is that utility really made for? I'll give you a hint: you have to be HERE, at SEN to get it. A potential mapper on battle.net doesn't know ANYTHING about this website and the only way they can learn about it is through advertisement which, as far as I know, SEN doesn't do. So the only realistic way to reach out to them is to allow them to see your map's triggers. It's how I learned to map (although I haven't made a serious map, ever) and how many of you did too, and not allowing others to learn this way will only discourage the growth of mapping and will make this community suffer for it.
As you may have noticed, I haven't talked about OSMAP at all in the body of this text because I don't think it is really the problem. The problem is closed-source mapping, and OSMAP is the solution. Don't contain your source, share it. If you don't, LegacyWeapon will do it for you.