I must say, looking over the new patch, it's changing a lot of things for the better. Expecially this arena concept.
Now me and my friend played World of Warcraft together. I quit, he kept playing. Back in the day, us two were gods of PvP. Together, we could plow through a fortified warsong gultch base and capture the flag, maybe five or six alliance versus just the two of us. I remember once we assaulted the Lumber Mill in Arathi Basin against a defending group of nine Alliance, including two rogues who did nothing more than stunlock me and run.
Now was it because we were both decked out in tier 2? Hell no! At the time, we both had full tier 0 with a few random epics. (My favorite of which was Earthshatter - a 2 handed mace with a warstomp for a proc. Sadly, they nerfed the proc rate on it by about fivefold)
Not just that, but we did everything together. We've kited just about every world boss there is to some major city and watch it destroy the whole town. Together, we wiped out the entire Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar... and yes, we are horde. The Mark of Shame was such a great thing before they removed it...
We've snuck into every Alliance capital city, we held the Tram for about two hours before an entire raiding guild decided they wanted us out.
And my all-time favorite exploit of Lenton and Dantan (our character) was the two of us, just the two of us, clearing out Molten Core. How, you ask? On a certain test server some time back, there was a glitch... if you moved around certain equipment, you could stack the stats on yourself... we each had 500K health and were meleeing for 100K.
Sadly, one detestable human being of a Paladin decided to reveal this glitch to the whole server by walking into Orgrimmar, virtually incinvible, and soloing the whole city. We were going to do Blackwing Lair next
Such good times... and now, with these new talents, my class is actually good again...
I'm seriously considering coming back...