There was something about a tutorial but it happened quick and i was semi-tired i may have skipped it... And yes it is hard to remember your last bought armour

what happens to your old armour anyway??? i think dropship system was nicer still very good nonethless cant wait to be finished =) ill re play it again tonight at least now im not tired and had enough sleep ill know whats kind of happening...

by the way question... You aint really into Movies or cut scenes are you?? or is it just my impression as you rather have just normal talking about different things with different characters? or you trying to save string?? >> if im too confusing ignore me lol ok bye
Btw, the invincibility that goes for 20 secs, it only happens for the DT, not the others. Is that suppose to happen? Anyways, it looks good =)
You can only get into the armory once, I know. The problem is not really a problem because it is caused by the fact that the armory is in a place that it's not supposed to be. I only put the armory there for the demo and so the triggers do not account for it (it was a last minute decision).
Since this is a demo, I took all the cutscenes out. I know the dropship system would be nice, but it really made me mad early on (long story), so I dropped it completely.
The armor... uh... disappears? I dunno, I think it's okay the way it is. And it's my game, so DEAL WITH IT

The invincibility not working with other weapons is a serious issue that I was not aware of, and I will fix it promptly. Thanks!
Haha ok your game.. i want my money back

haha nah would be nice if you could "see" this armor instead of imagining /remembering it and would also be nice if this armour could be sold...
maybe im thinking too highly of you

It's impossible to think too highly of q, his makes are legendary,

Did you use any weird players?, because it crashed my laptop. My laptop crashes whenever I try weird players or colors above 14, so I didn't know if you used those. (It's Windows, it's just an evil laptop, lol). Looks wonderful in SF though. I'll try getting SC to work on my moms desktop if it keeps crashing, but even teh first 3 seconds I see of the game look neat,

Haha just played it again listened to the tutorial this time haha i thought the hp system was going to be where you use a certain herb .. green tea or what ever it will heal that much not to THAT amount >_< and actually just saying that i figured out a way you can.. haha im going to experiment later will take alot of switching nonetheless changing weapons is wierd lol i think keep to the basics and people will enjoy it more to much fancy stuff makes it confusing lol but its your map ill shut my trap

It doesn't heal TO the amount. It just stops at five because that's the amount of HP you start out with (can be increased by doing various side quests). You would have known this if you'd read through some of the previous posts

I'll make this clear right now: the amount of vespene gas that you have is equal to your max HP. Put on a +vit armor and you'll see that your max HP goes up 1.
Changing weapons is not really fancy, and you won't be doing it much in the middle of a battle so it's not a big deal. Mostly, you'll only need to change for certain situations. Say for example there's a switch you need to hit up on a cliff -- you switch to your gun and shoot it. You'll have plenty of time to change it and change back to your sword (which is what you'll be using most of the time anyway). There's really no reason to be changing back and forth while fighting.
Very nice QP, i enjoyed this short-ass demo ^_^ i got in armoy 2x's muhaha, at town / farm uberness. i had top armor n 0 dmg 70% time =/ hehe -_- super dT! (i wanted a gun but meh) had look your triggers, when was bored very well done. so meh, i'll be waiting for final version now =)
Getting rdy to play it right now.
And Moogle, If I didnt love you soo much I'd make fun of your horrible grammar skills, you silly aussie

[Edit] Played it, very badass, I love how you make your RPG's very high quality!
I like the new systems to, was a bit confused at first, but easily caught on.
Wow this is great. The new inventory system is very segzy, can't wait to own the finished version of this game..
The armor? I didn't see his trigegrs (too long) But I think when you bought an armor, that increase the "Virtual HP" it's like: set V.HP to 23... set to 28....
I'm not sure but....

WOW!!!, it's awesome. I see you used P161 to uncloak the dt (I just played it on my mom's desktop PC)
I don't know if this is just a demo glitch, but if I went to the General Store in the first town, it worked fine, but the lady at the general store in the second town only said 'Good Day' like the other medics. Also, if I tried to Upgrade my weapons, my guy was moved to the other side of Cedro's Forge, I don't know if that's a glitch or a demo thing.
I loved your gateway system, with the probes and everything, it was really neat. I assume that the version with cutscenes will tell you why you were on the ship for 7 years?
In the Inn, where the Ruins terrain meets the Dirt terrain, there are some sparkly blue colors, 4 pixels big or something, about an inch each away from each other. Did you do that for an effect, and did you do it on purpose because it was pretty neat.
I want the finished version now

, lol. Your work is amazing qp, this map ka.
Having gateway system is dumb... you can't do stuff right away you must wait. I'd rather just use a dropship.
Man it's neat, Maybe you just could use no wait-build...
Dropship are always used, be more creative!
If the build time for the units is StarForge 1 build time, then it's just as fast as the dropship method.
Hey, q! Wutz wit the burning mansion? And, this game is SOOOO GOOD! ur so creative with rock sprites for items...
Tec, ur avatar looks like it's from a hentai pic...
There's all kinds of stuff I would have never thought of in it. I love hoe Cedro is welding or something, but stops when you talk to him. I also love that you wrote the hotkeys on the gateway so I don't have to try to rememebr so hard, or put the cursor over the unit to make choices or use items.
However, I found that I can't change from the firebat back into to dark templar.
QUOTE(Zerg Playing Dead @ Dec 30 2004, 10:10 PM)
However, I found that I can't change from the firebat back into to dark templar.
i could
map's sexy

I Couldnt change back to dark templar...
Try this:
1. Select the DT
2. Center your screen on the firebat (do not unselect the DT).
3. Right click somewhere near the firebat.
It always works for me. Basically, you just hotkey each weapon and when you want to change, hit the hotkey and right click on the screen.
Having gateway system is dumb... you can't do stuff right away you must wait. I'd rather just use a dropship.
It saves units. and it's still pretty fast, and it's alot neater.

I Couldnt change back to dark templar...
When i switched to the Gun (
ghost), i couldn't switch back to the Sword (
dark templar) or Torch (
Ok, lemme go over this again because a lot of people seem to have this problem.
1. Hotkey each of the weapons.
1 - Sword
2 - Gun
3 - Torch
2. Press '2' and right-click beside your unit to get the gun out.
3. Press '3' and right-click beside your unit to get the torch out.
4. Press '1' and right-click beside your unit to get the sword out.
It's really not that hard! Don't click in he dark area outside the console. Don't click a random area on the minimap. Click as though you want to order the equipped weapon to 'move' to a spot nearby when you have the weapon you want to change to selected. If you still don't understand, I can post screenshots.
Wow nice work qP, I was pretty blown away by all of your concepts and execution.
Ok i understand how it works now (Changing weapon) its pritty neat and easy to use once you get the hang on it.. anyway i think theres a bug i changed it a few times not sure how many times lost count lol anyway look at screenshot~
By the screen shot you should see 3 unit weapons are in there slots but none came back to me when i changed my unit onto the main world map... im sure that isnt meant to happen maybe wrong if so theres a bug for ya..
What did you do for that to happen?
Heh, i get the dt thing now. I was making it move to the right, not the left, that's why it must have been screwed up. I'll try again.