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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Deep Blue
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2004-12-15 at 00:33:40

[ D e e p . B l u e ]

.Sense they possessed not
. . ...Soul they had not
. . ...Being nor bearing
. . ...Nor blooming hue

. . . . . . . [ T h e . E d d a ]

After releasing LoH, I decided to take a breather and work on a small concept map like Dabbu's rock blocks map. I kept fiddling around with ideas and before I knew it, I found a nearly complete RPG engine on my hands. Since then, I've been working on a story (which will not be explained in great detail in this thread) to go with the map, and now I think it's time to bring this project out into the open. This thread will be updated once a week (or something like that) with news and concepts.

[ S t o r y ]
It's been seven years since I left my life behind to sail aboard a ship bound for the farthest reaches of the planet. But from the moment we left port, I knew I'd made a mistake. I never should have left her! For seven lonely years, I've longed to see her smile. Dear sister, do you still remember me?

Sinis is returning to his home town after a seven year stint aboard a ship with no name. Seven years is a long time, though, and the world that he left behind is no longer what it used to be.

The story will unfold as you play the map.

[ S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ]
  • Single player
  • Tileset: Jungle
  • Map size: 128 x 128
  • File size: N/A

[ G a m e p l a y ]
  • Real time combat
  • Manual combat (player controls attacking/blocking manually)
  • Console-based character management
  • Small but intimate world
  • Story-driven game with side quests and extras
  • Highly balanced units (most fights will be one on one)
  • Riddles and logic puzzles require the player to think his way through various scenarios and areas

[ F e a t u r e s ]
  • Item slot system : Allows the player to assign items to a button for fast and easy access.
  • Player-controlled combat : Inspired by Zelda: OoT, this system allows the player to manually attack and block with the simple push of a button.
  • Interactive shops : Players can scroll through shop menus or talk to shop owners using the interactive menu systems.
  • Equipable armor : Armor with different stats and modifiers can be purchased in shops. Modifiers include: +VIT, Fire Resist, and HP regeneration.
  • New HP system : An improved version of 'Virtual HP' allows players to see unit HP without the use of leaderboard or resource displays.
  • 8 usuable items : Includes healing items, evasion boosters, bombs, 'town portals,' and flares.
  • Standard qPK terrain : Need I say more?
  • More coming soon...

[ S c r e e n s h o t s ]

New ones pending

[ G u i d e .. B o o k ]

This section will cover some of the details in the game. The table of contents will be added as soon as more content goes up.
  • Item Index [snapback]111208[/snapback]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-12-15 at 00:48:17
Dude this will revolutionize RPG's as we know it.
Heck, the topic looks good enough tongue.gif and i even think this will be better then my Metroid Prime 2: Echoes wink.gif
(i'll be glad to help test)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2004-12-15 at 00:52:07
Right now, change your mapping skill from Beginner to Advanced. I've seen your other maps and they kick ass. Do it now biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SaKuRa_RPG on 2004-12-15 at 01:27:42
I like your terrain, very "intimate" as you put, will definitely liven up every inch of the 128x128. Hope every part is just as detailed. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TEC_Ghost on 2004-12-15 at 01:58:24
Loved Legacy of haen.

Definatley looking forward to this one wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2004-12-15 at 05:46:51
Good Luck with this, I know you won't let us down.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-12-15 at 06:20:29
This sounds awesome, biggrin.gif

I am sure with your terraforming skills the map will be brilliant. I also like the idea of returning from a seven year voyage to a pace that changed a lot, so actually know what you're looking for (the sister I am guessing?) which I don't see much in maps until a bit into it.

lol, how could you give yourself beginner?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dalinte on 2004-12-15 at 10:07:53
QUOTE(ShadowBrood @ Dec 15 2004, 12:52 AM)
Right now, change your mapping skill from Beginner to Advanced.  I've seen your other maps and they kick ass.  Do it now biggrin.gif

QUOTE(Zerg Playing Dead @ Dec 15 2004, 06:20 AM)
This sounds awesome, biggrin.gif

I am sure with your terraforming skills the map will be brilliant.  I also like the idea of returning from a seven year voyage to a pace that changed a lot, so actually know what you're looking for (the sister I am guessing?) which I don't see much in maps until a  bit into it.

lol, how could you give yourself beginner?

I bet he is doing it just to be 'different', most people boast their map making skills where he is being humble allowing us to decide on our own where we think his level is, which in the end is what we all end up doing anyway.

Very good map concept, I hope it all works out. Good luck
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xeno on 2004-12-15 at 11:17:55
Thank goodness you've started another map. I was worried when you once said LoH would be your last map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-12-15 at 11:23:57
That is one map I would like to approve in the DLDB.

BTW: Damn I thought this was going to be an uber chess game because of the name Deep Blue which was the computer who beat Gary Kasparov.

Anyways, I know you wil take your time making this as perfect as possible so I won't say hope you finish soon, take your time and make as best a quality map you can.

Although I have seen most of those features before, I have never seen so many toghether in one map.

Nice use of semi-extended terrain, I like it when people do that. I myself is making make a very high quality terrain map.

BTW: Make a non-music and music version if you can, that way it's better on the 56k users.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kashmir on 2004-12-15 at 12:24:56
Hey Pirate, glad you finally made a thread. Been wanting to post since i tested it a week ago smile.gif

just so you all know, when in the picture it said Cedro's Forge has the best weapons in all of Haean, the map will be above ground, not in the caves.

His attack/Block is awesome!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2004-12-15 at 13:02:05
I remember you showing me this a month or so ago Pirate. How long have you been working on it and how long will you be working on it?

BTW I enjoyed it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2004-12-15 at 15:50:10
happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif

I'm glad you decided to start another map...

So far your story seems a little bland... What are you doing when you get back? I think your idea abotu the weapon block system is a success... mabe have it in a way where you get a warning about an attack and you have 1 second to block or you take damage... Also you would need cooldowns from switching defending to attacking and viseversa...

So... im guessing your not making a sequiel to LoH... sad.gif I was kinda looking forward to another one...

PS: Hope this one is a success... It probably will be...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2004-12-15 at 16:04:11
I don't know if I'm mistaken or not but I think it has something to do with LoH.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Loser_Musician on 2004-12-15 at 17:11:40
I loved the armor system. As well as the whole option thing when you talk to people. Looked real smooth. I did have a lil bit of bugs with it, like it not working at times, but I bet you have it fixed by now.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2004-12-15 at 18:05:04
I'm interested in your block and attack system, what will use to activate each, and how will their work? Also how is the engine testing going for serious bugs and problems?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-12-15 at 19:24:04
I found a bug or 2 when playing it wink.gif i'll tell you them when yu get on starcraft.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by brutetal on 2004-12-15 at 20:03:16
Wow another revolutionized rpg game COOL!!! So thats like what 3 that I know are revolutioized I think.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by eXiLe on 2004-12-15 at 20:05:41
PirateKing u have truly revolutionized mapmaking
I am truly inspired by great mapmakers like you
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-12-15 at 20:13:18
Aww.. QPirate is still on "The Way to Fame" Since I played LoH I'm really looking foward this map... I'm still curious about the "Interactive Menu selection"

Nothing about a dropship hum?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-12-15 at 20:13:48
This sounds neat, and pretty cool.
Also, I haven't seen your terrain before, but after seeing the screenshots, I can appreciate the meaning in your comment - "Standard qPK terrain : Need I say more?".

"BTW: Damn I thought this was going to be an uber chess game because of the name Deep Blue which was the computer who beat Gary Kasparov."

Heh, that's what I was thinking.
Oddly enough, just today, I was thinking that the name "Deep Blue" would be a cool name for an Rpg...
Neat coincidence. =)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2004-12-15 at 20:19:43
Although I have seen most of those features before, I have never seen so many toghether in one map.
Yep, this started as a concept map, and I just kept adding more and more concepts into it until it turned into the monstrosity you see before you.

BTW: Make a non-music and music version if you can, that way it's better on the 56k users.
There will be no music, so don't worry.

So far your story seems a little bland... What are you doing when you get back?
The story here is vague for a reason. I mentioned how I wouldn't go into great detail about it in the post. However, I will elaborate on it later. Zerg Playing Dead said something looking for your sister... he's got the right idea.

I think your idea abotu the weapon block system is a success... mabe have it in a way where you get a warning about an attack and you have 1 second to block or you take damage... Also you would need cooldowns from switching defending to attacking and viseversa...
While there's no timer that tells you when the enemy will be attacking, you can still time it so that you block out all the attacks. There is a built-in cooldown, I'll explain that in the next response.

I'm interested in your block and attack system, what will use to activate each, and how will their work? Also how is the engine testing going for serious bugs and problems?
The block and attack system is activated by burrowing and unborrowing a unit. When the unit is burrowed, you receive less damage but you cannot attack. When the unit us unburrowed, you receive full damage but can attack. In the game, hotkey the unit and press U to change from one mode to the other. Serious bugs and problems have been a non-issue at this point. I treat each part of the engine separately and do not move on until I have ironed out EVERY single bug that I encounter.

So... im guessing your not making a sequiel to LoH...  I was kinda looking forward to another one...
LoH is over. The story line ends at the end of the map in a sort of dramatic way. I'm not a big fan of sequels.

I did have a lil bit of bugs with it, like it not working at times, but I bet you have it fixed by now.
Can you elaborate? If you can tell me what bugs you've found, I'll fix them ASAP.

It's cool that you guys are interested in this, I actually have the engine almost completely done. I can post a demo at some point, so watch this space.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PearS on 2004-12-15 at 20:45:40
I remember first seeing LOH terrain in Lake City I believe it was and being in awe lol. I got that feeling again when I saw those screenshots. Awesome work. I didn't really care for LOH because I didn't really like not being a hero and just being some guy...i pretty much blacksheepwalled and stared at the terrain lol. This sounds really nice.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-12-15 at 21:06:35
At first I'm like, Deep Blue, some dude is making a chess map? Good luck! But, it's the qPirate RPG. smile.gif If this map is anywhere near as awesome as LoH, we'll have to bring that Map of the Month back. wink.gif I've actually found bugs in LoH too... But its amazing how good it was even with those. I'll just let him tell you, probably the same thing. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JohnnyHazardous on 2004-12-15 at 23:34:35
Man this looks nice. I think his mapping skills should already be advanced. Hey how do you get Uber level map making? Anyways nice map man.

Oh yeah when are you going to test again? I would like to see it. My account on east is LostIn)Rock.
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