Ok, I'm replying a little late, didn't read most of the thread.
First of all:
What kind of dumbass tries to compare melee with UMS?They are two
COMPLETELY different game types.
Now we'll take a moment to flame those quotes:
Why the do we care about the korean map making team elite. We are elite UMS in the US. In Korea they can be elite Melee. We don't need to mix. Unless they plan to make UMS there is no real challenge and we should remain unaffiliated with them.
aparently, I am elite UMS in the Canada. I say we need to mix, just because ignorant people like you don't understand the concept of melee. Melee and UMS have equal challenges, it's a fact and there's no way you can say it isn't.
better yet, who cares for sure? WHy the hell is this forum sagging down to the melee maps of other countries for news? How can you even be elite in making melee? You just describing an area where a small battle is to occur. In UMS, however, you can far surpass anything made in melee. Eventually there isn't anyhting more you can do with melee. UMS will keep going.
Oh yea, you need to do more than just describe it, you need to make it, and test it, then say how well balanced the terrain is with TvP, TvT, TvZ, PvP, PvT, PvZ, ZvZ, ZvP, ZvT, making sure no specific race or area of the map has extreme advantage over another. Let's redifine this; In UMS, however, you can far surpass anything in made in melee by having zero build time, 255 upgrades, triggers that create units in masses, and labelling your map "UNIT MASSER v29.4 BETA!". Anyway, you're comparing melee to UMS
dumbass. If melee dies out, UMS will die out. One will not keep going, unless you can prove to me it will, and right now, more people play melee than UMS, so think of
Yes I feel making melee maps requires no where near the skills it does to make a good UMS map but that doesn't mean we should ignore them or look down on them. This is a mapmaking site not just a UMS mapmaking site so it very well deserves to be in the news. If you don't like it you can just look somewhere else.
The eliteness in Melee mapmaking relies almost solely on creativity in my opinion. and the ability to make a visually appealing map. Of course we can have all the melee fans talk about how differant types of maps allow for differant stadagys of game play and create differant styles of games all together but thats not my zone.
First part: false. I would believe UMS takes far
less skill than it takes to make melee maps. All you do is import sounds, make some triggers(click and drag), and come up with some bullshit terrain. I rarely see any good terrain in UMS maps, with the exception of what we call "extended terrain", which can actually be used in melee as well. More than visually appealing, it must be
balanced. Well it's funny how I'm a UMS only guy, but it's true that it does require different strategies.
I disagree Clokr... I think UMS take more skills due to the balancing required, as in melee of course it's already balanced by Blizzard. However, let us embrace the international community. Like my good friend once said, "Welcome to America; we speak English here." J/k for those of you who don't realize it. And SI, in Call of Duty, I'm always German : )
As I've stated above. And no it has not been balanced by Blizzard. Different races require different strategies, and different strategies are carried out on the different
terrain. These people make terrain more balanced than any Blizzard maps. I like the assumption that everybody here
only lives in the United States and Korea.
Technically, all u need for a melee map is just...well...2 start locations. And all u need for a ums maps is 2 start locations AND 1-2 units. Let me ask you this:
In a melee map, can you have music?
In a melee map, can you have a storyline?
In a melee map, can you change the stats?
In a melee map, can you have your own CUSTOM gameplay?
In a melee map, can you have mods?
In a melee map, can you have spells?
In a melee map, can you have items?
In a melee map, can you have day/night time?
In a melee map, can you have the ability to walk into buildings? (other than bunker of course)
In a melee map, can you have a password system?
The list goes on.
And ALSO, I've seen people take 6-11 months to make 1 UMS maps. I've never heard of any melee guy doing that. And the melee maps made today, are maybe I'm guessing half as good as they can be period. maybe 1/4 or 1/5 for the sake of arguement. UMS have such a larger limit, you're able to make a PW RPG that can be so big, that it takes like 50 hours to beat it, and it spreads up into like 5 diff maps.
I got some respect for Melee map makers, but don't dare compare it to UMS like that. Ums has no limit, except the human limit.
This post his
ing sad and funny at the same time. A) Learn some grammar, B) Learn the aspects of maps in different game types. C) Get the
off a Starcraft website if you're listing Warcraft III bullshit. And ALSO, I've seen people take about ONE month to make UMS maps, whoever needs 6-11 are lazy. Melee maps need to undergo various tests and modifications in terrain to get it perfectly balanced, thus taking just as--or even longer than making UMS maps. Ok, so you want to compare melee and UMS maps this way dumbshit? Melee maps are about 70% of its limit for making it look pretty. UMS maps however are at about 50% or less of its limit for what's possible for it, considering the maps played on Battle.net are at about 30% of Starcraft's limit. Let's rephrase that last line! UMS has such a larger limit, even though I'm a
ing dumbass for comparing UMS to melee this way, you're able to make a shitty RPG that can be so big, that it takes like 50 hours to beat it, 50 hours to download it, and for Single Player only! Love the connectivity.
You know, I'm all for this, but I will personally castrate anyone WITH MY BARE HANDS who says ANY melee map is harder to make than this bastard of a map I call Rush that I'm doing right now. Four months and counting, and I'm barely even half way!!!
And to think I was naive enough to think I'd have it done in a day... lol
Melee maps just require more testing than UMS maps, and you have to put more time in testing, using different strategies, then modifying the map to balance it more. But comparing UMS to Melee is just retarded.
Melee maps are very hard to make, as the same as UMS. If you compare the same quality of maps, like one of the best melee maps to one of the best UMS maps ( Rush! ) then there's a large difference in skill required still. I doubt a person like Rose.Of.Dreams(?) could just learn how to trigger and attempt a map like Rush!, but it'd be much eaiser for Tuxedo-Templar to attempt to make a melee map, since Melee maps are missing one large portion that makes up Starcraft maps. Triggers. I don't think you'd ever run into a string limit or a character limit with a melee, but you have to make sure you don't screw up so many things in a UMS. Melee maps take skill, but no, not more so then a UMS sorry to say. UMS still require a large portion of realistic terrain, so you can probably go to a UMS map maker > melee map maker, but it'd be much harder to go from melee map makers > UMS map maker.
Excuse me, but have you even played Rush!? Oh wait... IT WASN'T EVEN RELEASED AND YOU'RE SAYING IT'S THE BEST MAP? Excuse me but that's just stupid. God... This is just beyond pathetic, saying something is the best before it's even released. There is no difference in skill. They are completely different skills. Whoever that is doesn't have to, and shut the
up about "Rush!". I extremely doubt Tuxedo-Templar could create a melee map that was balanced in all areas, and had creativity and originality in the terrain. Melee maps aren't missing triggers, and technically it
HAS three triggers. One giving the player 50 minerals at start, one for Victory, and one for Defeat. UMS... realistic terrain... HELLO! Don't forget that 50% of all UMS maps contain SQUARES ONLY, and you're calling it realistic? Again comparing UMS to Melee in such a way that makes you... an
IDIOT! Again it's harder for UMS only to attempt a melee map, because that person wouldn't know how the
to make a balanced melee map.
I don't care anymore. You guys can just keep saying mapping terrain is harder than putting together locations, sounds, and sometimes 1000+ triggers. I've been reading the forums a lot, and I can barely recall many people having the balls to admit that they're wrong on something. So, what's the point? ya know? We're not gonna get anywhere with this. I say drop the topic, and let us just focuc on the main topic of this thread.
Mapping terrain is harder than placing locations, each location requireing one click, sounds, each sound one click, and 1000+ triggers which is bullshit, requiring those triggers to be created with a program automatically instead. What is the main topic to you? Saying UMS is better than Melee?
Dumbass...Oh, and the one major question people might just ask me is...
Why am I doing this?
I'm defending an interest...
Starcraft: Broodwar