Well, since we're bringing our systems in here...
Rating = (Seniority * Rep) - Wounds
Trial Member: ONLY member group allowed for anyone who has under 5 or 10 seniority points.
Rating < 0: Restricted. Uh oh.

Rating >= 10: Member
Rating >= 100: Regular: Must have at least 75 seniority points.
Rating >= 400: Elite: Must have at least 200 seniority points.
^Of course, we can always change the values and add new groups, just some theorycrafting.
Seniority - Increases by one for each day the member logs on to the site. Maybe there can be a button or something to push every day, or just have it not increase if they haven't posted within a certain amount of time since the last increment (24, 48 hours). I'm biased towards seniority, sorry.

I really don't like post count or posts per day to go towards the formula, so this is the closest thing to it.
Reputation - This one gets a little more involved. Reputation starts out at 100.0%. A member's level determines to what degree they can affect it. Each member can set a value for any other member ONCE, but they are able to change their value at any time.
Trial Member: Cannot affect reputations.
Member: Can affect reputation on a -.2 to +.3% scale.
Regular: Can affect reputation on a -.3 to +.5% scale.
Elite: Can affect reputation on a -.5 to +.7% scale.
Staff (?): Can affect reputation on a -2 to +3% scale.
Global Mod (Higher Staff?): Can affect reputation on a -4 to +5% scale.
Admin: Can affect reputation however they want. tongue.gif
And, of course, the Staff and above must factor in that they must use reputation fairly... they have the next factor for punishment.
Wounds - Admin fun time. When someone is warned/fined/disliked by admins or whatever, we set this to some number. It is subtracted from the whole thing at the end. The wound value is "healed" by 3 per day... or some other value. Maybe a percentage, or the mod/admin can set a value for how much to heal it.
I'm not even too sure why I post this... I really could just go code mine in right now.
I also like the GameFAQs system... that one is cool.