It happen whilest one of the times i was changing "weapon" if my memory serves me well i believe it was ghost going to "dt-sword" one of the times but im sure his triggers are the same for each seperate unit / weapon change.. its something to do with timming maybe not sure... something for qpirate to figure out

Hey Sup QPirate, I think I found another "bug", When you make a box on the Item part (item on a 1x1 square) You are able to select many burrowed defiler, Unburrow them and they burrow themselves and given to Computer Orange...
No, they don't re-burrow. You are supposed to be able to unburrow them if you want to discard an item. There is an item limit of 24, so I had to make a way to get rid of unwanted items.
Oh okay, So it's not a bug... Aww
I didn't noticed the merchant before, It's a great idea!

What merchant? he didnt copy my idea did he!

haha i didnt notice no merchant

ah well he got it fair and square if its anything i think it is
qPirate, I think we've met once before but it was a long while ago and I can hardly remember. Anyways, I'd just like to comemerate your work on this map; it's very well made, and uses interesting new concepts. As a overall gameplay, however, is lacking, and I hope it will all turn out to be as exciting as it is intriguing. Not to dismiss the fact this map is stellar- because it definitely impressed me, and I'm hard to impress. Good work.
Well, the 'demo' has no gameplay value at all. It's pretty much just to let people familiarize themselves with how things work. The actual gameplay mostly involves puzzles that require you to utilize the various items and weapons you possess. I will probably make a gameplay demo later -- something like a short dungeon section for you to get through.
How in god's name did you detect the Defiler's burrowing and unburrowing?
I encountered a bug i think. I switched from dt to firebat. Then from firebat to ghost. And my ghost had 20 hp and this ling kept killing drones under me but the ghosts hp stayed at 20. Maybe this is defending but i'm pretty sure my defiler was unburrowed.
OH Xeno, this map explains how to detect burrowed units.
Man you are fast! I'm only visiting the 2nd village, called Lieda or something. I found caves, where they have mineral fields in front of them which I found fairly boring.
I opened it up, and how do you get to the inn? or that place with the photon cannon.
There is this huge chunk of empty space. I reckon you're working on that?
Sckor, this map not even finished yet. Yes he still working on it. Not much gameplay yet he still got lots work do sheese.

Take your time
I"m writing it here because the LOH topic is gone.
off topic - how do you write your ae 's like that?
like in Haen., the "a" and "e" are stuck together. how do you do that?
I was very displeased with the demo... I know its only a demo but... there wasn't much to be impressed with... I know there are great things in it but... it just didn't do it for me. hopefully you put out another demo that actually shows a point to playing the demo or even the game itself... cause... in the demo all I did was get off a ship after 7 years and kill 6 lings and walked around pointlessly for 2 hours... exploring the whole map (where I could walk...), soon after... typing "black sheep wall" to find nothing on the far bottom... demos should give the player a yearning to play the real game... like... a lead in to the great immersion that would soon come... all I was immersed in was... typing show me the money 100 times and buying alot of everything... and abusing the gateway system... now that was fun... =)... be sure to give your players a POINT/REASON to playing the game... a game without a point, is not worth playing at all... (killing a bad guy is not a valid point... learning new strategies and new ways to play future rpgs is a vaild point.)...
And my dt is extremely weak without armor... I die in 5 hits... =(
And your tutorial takes a very long time to explain things... a very long time indeed... I don't need 4 minutes to read 2 sentences... hopefully you don't either...
Keep up the good work tho... =)
EDIT: I made a few grammatical errors...
good work pirate. your terrain is on par with mine, almost.
Personaly I dont like your terrain hash... It doesn't set the mood like pirates...
The point of the map is to see how the story turns out -- a story which is not introduced in the demo. Demo is short for demonstration, and as such, the point of this map was to introduce some of the basic controls to you people. There will be more demos that will introduce other elements of the game, don't worry.
And my dt is extremely weak without armor... I die in 5 hits... =(
Yes, but you can regain some HP for every enemy you kill; you can buy armor and healing items, and you can gain more max HP as the game progresses. I haven't done the monster drop triggers yet (as explained somewhere in the thread) because I haven't decided how I'm going to balance them. In fact, the stats on the zerglings are almost certain to change. They were only dropped in there to give you something to test the armor with.
And your tutorial takes a very long time to explain things... a very long time indeed... I don't need 4 minutes to read 2 sentences... hopefully you don't either...
I'll ignore your hyperbole and your inane overuse of ellipses in much the same way that you ignore all the other posts in the thread. Thanks.
qP, the SCV appearing to weld in the armor shop is nothing short of genius.
If you try select what scv doing, a goliath there.
QUOTE(Moogle @ Jan 2 2005, 04:18 PM)
If you try select what scv doing, a goliath there.
What's your point? The idea of having the NPC appearing to weld is awesome, it adds to the world ambience. The idea is great, not necessarily the execution.
Wow. This map is going to be awesome. I saw that you'd released a demo three opr so days ago, but I was at my cousin's house in Maine, so I of course couldn't check it out till now.
Things I liked:
1. How you had a tutorial to explain the console
2. Blocking off areas with DTs
3. That Uber nifty cool stair effect in the Inn
4. How all/most civilians talk
I remember having a bug to report, but I can't remember it now.
Great job.
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Jan 2 2005, 11:16 AM)
Personaly I dont like your terrain hash... It doesn't set the mood like pirates...
Youve barely seen any of my terrain, just some of FF7 world and the terrain on that map is not done, I havnt even SF'd it yet.
About the stairs in the inn... What is it for? Can you go upstairs it would be cool if you did and there was a bed and table... ect and mabe someone up there and you can talk to them for a mission?
Keep up the good work
is this a bug or not?
when a "crackling" attacks me, I don't lose hp. why's that?
I assure you, no cheats

Your floor glows. Find a different tile.
(look at the little blue spots)
That looks like it's put right into the tile itself.