Antoher thing, I'll reveal a little secret...
I am making a spell system that'll be pretty cool, at least I think.
What it's going to be is:
You'll have 3 options when you first play. You'll start off with 3 sword attacks, and you'll be able to combine them. I.E.
• Regular Attack {5 Mana}
--Just your regular blade attack.
• Dual-Blade Attack {12 Mana}
--2 Melee attacks + Random Spell
• Bushido Attack 30 Mana}
--3 Melee Attacks + 2 Spells + Auto Heal
• Not that many Spilers! GOD!!
The only bad part about this system is, it's very expensice. So, you'd better hope you can afford the attack. It is best if you save these for when you're fighting boss. When you aren't using these, you'll have a different drop-ship for options.
. Very intuitive and original, I hope this idea goes through flawlessly. By the way, where'd you get the idea to make the best of the attacks Bushido?