QUOTE(sckor @ Jan 3 2005, 08:22 PM)
is this a bug or not?
when a "crackling" attacks me, I don't lose hp. why's that?
I assure you, no cheats
Probably armor. When I played, I went right to the shop and bought some ceramic, then when i went outside, I'm like "hmm... they don't hurt me... oh well." a few minutes later I realized the armor was 100.
I don't think they attack you...they attack the drone under you. when the drone dies it subtracts a hitpoint and creates another burrowed. Probably
Half of these posts are just people building his ego, someone give him some advice and use this forum for what it's meant to be used for. Telling him his map is perfect won't get him anywhere, nor will there be any twists to set this map aside from the other.
Isn't that the kettle calling the teapot black.
I thought was the coal calling the kettle black and orange and red.... This kettle is seein' red.... etc. Oh wait, that was Alkaline Trio.
Loved LoH, this ought to be just as good. Gonna dl and try it.
wohooo now this is what ya gotta do... *dances* look up, look down around *beat music starts playing* come on people shake thoose hips! *old man slowly shakes his hips*
i am going to post this too evryone as i'm mad...
i am a chicken nuget nothing i say or do withh change it, you are brainy strong and very good looking
you take my breath away... well really you just play SC
PM if ya wanna be friends PM me cos my life never ends PM me come on its ment to be
P.S yes i am crazy, no i'm not a n00b, yes i am telling the truth and no i'm not lieing may the best people live longer and the worst die sooner
i am sick of gosu plays sucking all the credit just cos they good players but are gosu players good map makers?
Legacy of Heaen rocked and this looks every bit as good. You Should Defenitely think about getting your skills set to Uber. You Have alot of map making skill.
P.S. Loved Legacy of Heaen, still cant fight those monsters in the cave...
you realize the 2 cave entrances but it don't work because of the mineral fields? I wonder where they lead to...
actually now that is mentioned about LOH i didnt find any other bosses in the caves... i read in another post if i remember skim reading that there was some sort of reaver boss and among others i believe from memory... anyway how do i find these?
well, I found a problem with the Reaver too, but I had no problem with the Ultralisk, and Lurker, so you should kill those... AS for the reaver, I beat him, then didn't save and game crashed. So I restartedand then the reaver wouldn't appear....
I just beat LoH today! took me 4:20 min around.
P.S for the Reaver, he's in the third cave after magcis station where zealots and hydra's come out. Lurker is in the third cave beyond Comsa. And the Ultralisk is in the third cave (zealots and hydra cave) below Masada.
Heh the game took me in total something like 1hr 43minutes if i recal and yes i explored around afair bit
-Gateway system is dumb...
-Shield and attack thingy w/ the defiler is cool but It didn't work for me.
-Cedro's forge is cool and I like that he works on the pile of metal.
-The Inn doesn't heal me, and If I go to the stairs in the Inn I lose control of my dt and nothing else happens.
I found a glitch, in the general store, when the shopkeeper tells you about the items she says caramel apple heals 15 but when you use it it says "Healed 10 health" and it does heal 10. ripoff
the glitches about Inn not healing me and shield system not working only occurs in single player which I was playing..... but If you go too far toward the stairs in the Inn you go out of your own vision and lose control of your DT
You do know that in the beginning your max health is 3 right?
Also the gateway system is good IF you hotkey your unit and the gateway...
yes always hotkey your unit and everything that is important. thsi gives you easy access to everyting...
PS: Is pirate still here? hasn't been a post here ina while...
yeah... well I sorta didn't expect to be able to walk out of my vision in a town so I didn't plan it and hotkey my unit..
Huh.. haven't you played LoH before Panda? Your unit walks out of vision with the town too! You have to hotkey the dropship at topright too..
Darnit.. qPirateKing's maps are too good! I can't find something to critisize him on!
the gateway system, like, you can use hotkeys, not just ctrl 1, but like Z : 1. Whereas in Dropship you have to click on the unit. I know its a bit slower than dropship, but you can stack items you wanna use..
So... Its not bad either.
its faster to press 1,z than 1 and click.
there IS something you can ALWAYS criticize you just dont notice it.
Like the tile with the little glowing blue pizel, unless he did that on purpose. Since he hasn't posted in a while, I am guessing he is workong on the map. Make us prud qp.
I doubt he did it on purpose... he just placed the bridge terrain near an ocean cliff and didn't realise that sc dosnt use regular dirt tiles along the edge of clifs...
Sorry for grammer stupidity. My head hurts like hell. Will fix tommoro.
ok... Anway i hope some unfortunate didn't happen to pirate...
Example: Death, Murder, Family Death, Disease, Hamster Death...
Hamster Death... as in death by hamsters or death of hamster?
Death By Hamster
COME BACK PIRATE we need you to guide us!!!