Hey i am just posting to see if anyone would play my map im making when its done, its called Spiral defense.. i'd post a screenshot if i could... i just wanted to know if it even sounds interesting.
There's already a map out called Spiral Defense, I think it's somewhere in the DLDB.
Yeah just like bounds, there is a defense map named after everything.
maaaan that blows now i have to make a new name....
Thats why you need to come up with new names

-Markfely Defence
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Defence
WhOaPe Defence
Yup jsut random things in my head

Why not Legend84 Defense?
how about you post what your map is about. Most of us will not care about "Spiral Defence" if we have no knowlege of what its about. also, for you title we already know that your making a map because we are in the maps in production forum.