QUOTE(WoA-Felagund @ Feb 1 2005, 02:55 PM)
Well, it looks like you're not too fluent in English.
Can you tell us about map size, single/multiplayer, teams, etc.?
QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 1 2005, 06:27 PM)
CeR, dont worry about it, is your map based on the movie? cause mine isnt. we can both do different maps... But when your done that one, we COULD woek on another second ver. if you want.
Humans: 2 players
Aliens: 2 players
Predators: 2 players
Forces: 1 human player + 1 alien player.(cpu)
The map isn't bassed in the film, but I use some actions of the film.
The history is in a Instalation Terrain. The instalation have some door, pcs, and door in the wall.
If you use the doors y the wall, you can teleport (only Predators and Humans)
Howeber, It have some holes (wall sprites) for Alien's teleport to other zones.
Humans only can use door. Aliens only can use holes. Predators can use all
The principal objetive of Humans, is to rescue some civs lost in the "ship". But they find that they aren't alone in the ship...
Aliens was allready in the ship when Humans forces comes to rescue civs, and They have to eliminate humans.
The predators (like in the film) go to the ship to fight with aliens. But the queen is very strong... Howeber, predators are the most powerfull of the map, but they are only 5 per player.
In the map, you can't give or take vision with another players.
Predators can cloak (change zeas by DT).
[Other day, I will post more info. Now, I leave to do an exam
QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 1 2005, 06:27 PM)
CeR, dont worry about it, is your map based on the movie? cause mine isnt. we can both do different maps... But when your done that one, we COULD woek on another second ver. if you want.
Ok, When I finish my AVp map, We can do another version togheter.