I used to like how SEN had a few main areas.
Forum news/feedback, maps/map production, assistance, concepts, garbage, serious, gaming, Clan (U), and art-related.
Now, we've got
|News, Feedback, Faqs' and Rules|
|Ideas/Group Projects, Concepts, Assistance, showcase, Production|
|Tech Support, Starforge|
|Garbage, Discussion, Gaming, Art, Welcome|
|Clan (U), aE, (MC), oO|
So that's 6 groups of things, support, melee, mapping, clans, other, and site-related.
Then, we've got 20 forums on the entire site. It seems ugly, and, especially with it getting re-organized every so often, a problem for me to find out which order they're in.
I have a discussion started in the admin forum of what I should/shout not do with the forums to make it better organized. I totally agree, too many seperate tables...
Amen. I liked it better organized, too.
You know, I divided it up like that so you can minimize the forums you DONT use. If you dont care much for the downloads, melee, clans, the website functions, or whatever, just minimize them by clicking the - button.
Don't you love how everything is obviously simple just when you take a few seconds to think?
I think you should keep the order that people were most used to. (Ex: Map Showcase & Staredit Related back on top) And have the new categorys placed towards the bottom (Oh wait, they are =\)...
But... what if it was better organized AND you can minimize the tables...
Now that would totally be sexy.
Sorry about the changes we keep having to do, but thats what happens when you expand websites. We were expanding into melee, so I made a new category for it to be grouped (and for non meleers to hide, and non umsers can hide the ums stuff). Then I thought, oh crap, what if some of our meleers like starforge and 3rd party tech support? Moved that to another category. Then to save a bit of space, I moved FAQs down (its annoying at the top).
Why can't you just put the melee under a general mapmaking category?
We're going to give more to it eventually. It'd just require more change to do what you're saying.
Problem with me is I got to at least 1 forum in each section except the last.

Now if only there was a way to let users CHOOSE and ORGANIZE the forums the way they want to see them.
I was thinking about posting that, but that'd be way to much bandwidth and/or coding for something so simple.
"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."
I was throwing it out there anyway, I've seen Yoshi do some stuff I thought would be a coding nightmare. If he wants to tackle that, let him.
I don't go to all the forums exactly, but I scan them for topics of interest.
Customized forum listing?
I'm listening... whatcha got in mind?
Btw... perhaps something like this?
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?act=idx&skinid=8I know posts/topics/activity don't look right like that and they would stay where they are in the real skin.
Clan MC is the only clan formatted correctly.
Basically the standard forum setup stats out how it is right now, but it isn't seperated into groups.
IE, news is at the tops, clans are at the bottom, but they are all grouped together.
Then from there, people can go to their control panel and create groups and move the forums in those groups and can arrange them in any order they want. Basically like your friends list in an IM client.
Doable, but that would take a LOT of coding. (not that I know for sure)
Might be kinda easy...
I just don't see the practicality.
How would you set up your forums if you had the ability to customize them?
Yeah, I know. I don't expect them to try to do it, it's only if they really want to.
EDIT: How would I personally set them up? I would create a couple groups for the forums I read, and a group for the ones I dont. And arrange them from the most read on the top to the least on the bottom.
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Feb 2 2005, 08:00 AM)
Might be kinda easy...
I just don't see the practicality.
How would you set up your forums if you had the ability to customize them?
FAQ-FAQ forum
-Feedback and Bugs
MAPPING-map showcase
-maps in progress
-tech support
and no welcome forum because I think it is pointless

I think the division of our forums are done well. It's just a big change that some of us aren't use to.
Just like i didnt like the dropdown menus at first when it was first made. But now after a while i got use to it and liked it very very much.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Feb 2 2005, 07:48 PM)
and no welcome forum because I think it is pointless

Let us decide whats pointless kk?
Its to welcome members warmly. Nothing else.
I meant if I could customize my forum view I would "minimize" it. I don't think it should be gotten rid of.