[quote=Yenku,Feb 3 2005, 07:28 PM]
Im making a type of madness map, id like to know what kind of heros would be good for it, you can save up something like "hero credits" from zergling blood and buy heros, you can buy a Hatchery, Command Center, or Nexus and build by your base. You can upgrade the type of units that spawn at your base, which are:
Terran Units: lvl1 Marines, lvl2 Ghosts, lvl3 Wraiths
Zerg Units: lvl1Zerglings, lvl2 Hydralisks, lvl3 Mutalisks
Protoss Units: lvl1 Zealots, lvl2 Dragoons, lvl3 Scouts
There are 2 teams, 3v3 left side vs right side, you can mass each player, the center and an air target that you can move around the battle feild.
The heros you can choose from are, Tank, ghost, BC, Infested Kerrigan, Ultralisk, High Templar, dark templar, and archon. Each hero costs different amounts.
Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanks for any help in advance.
oh yea, thanks for your suggestions.
should be a pretty interesting game, i havn't learned anything about map making yet but im going to learn soon.