Whisper to people on bnet from here on SEN through the top right corner box.
It won't be done . You would have to put numerous bots so they won't flood with all people whispering. Then you would have to give access to a whole bunch of people. It's prone to be evry laggy and I think it'll be down most of the time.
Make a thread sticky for X amount of time (somewhat expensive)
People will abuse this.
Make thread frontpage news for X time (also expensive, and with validation before it happens).
Anyone can do this. You just need validation.
Make a new forum (really expensive, so only mods or people who pool their money are only ones who can make it)
Again this can be easily abused.
Increase text/image limit for a post.
This could be nice, but not worth it since people barely reach the text limit but Image limit item might be nice.
Review maps/downloads (appreciates in earning if people post good comments for it).
Again, this could be easily abused and thats why we have specific people to Review maps. But this could be an item to be able to review 1 map and if it's good enough you might earn the position.
Make posts or threads that get POSITIVE attention (posts or threads closed/deleted by anyone besides their maker lose all earnings, though.
This could be nice but then people would start spam making lots of threads. Maybe if the thread is alive and has X amount of views/posts you might get extra mins per post/view besides the minimun limit.
Upload files that get good reviews or high downloads.
On getting lots of downloads I don't agree. But having a File with good rating is abuseable by getting your friends to rate it 10/10. It could be done by getting a good review by a DLDB Keeper.
Nested mini-shoutboxes in posts (cost minerals?).
Whats this?
Shoutbox access through op staredit.net channel (with some kind of bot function).
How would you connect the Bot inside B.net to a shoutbox that requires it to be connected to SEN. It's hard to do and how would people inside B.net view the shouts?
Have SEN bot auto-host frontpage listed maps randomly on bnet.
And this would be done how?
EDIT- Oh and, what's with the generic staredit forum? Can't seem to figure why it exists with all the other mapping/staredit forums.
Thats just for everything that doesn't have to directly do with mapmaking. Mainly talking about Downlaods and Editors.