Well said
I will always use terrain to get the feeling of the setting I want. You said exactly what i think.
Well... I always proof read the text i put into my map. And it really bugs me when i watched Soldiers Terminator Trailer that he kept making silly mistakes...
Example: A
n World Where Machines Rule...
I hate that because An is only supposed to be used before vowels...
UPDATEBattle system is being brainstromed and will continue to be brainstormed until It looks like it should work and then I will start testing for glitches...
VOTE: What Unit Should Cat Be... Dark Templar, High Templar, Sarah kerigran. Post opinions here...Soja is a Darktemplar (finalized)
Terrain for field could take awhile... I am having trouble placing all the Raised jungle and making it look good...
Total Progress: 8%
#1 i think you should rule out option of high temp... Temps usually get annoying, and ppl will hate being a reg. temp. even with spells. And if ur gonna make her tassadar, well psi storm and hallucination will be things to think about. I reccommend DT or Kerrigan, Most likely Kerrigan is best choice because ull have 1 Melee char and 1 Ranged char, but then again the Idea of having 2 Dark Temp Main heroes is... is.... extraordinary. I'd love to see either of them done. But anyway yeah i say rule out dark temp, it's also slow