Black hawk down is possibly one of the worst movies ever based on a real event, haven't read the book. It is just so plain stupid. The U.S soldiers was never meant to be there.
"DURING THE Cold War, Somalia was a client state of the former USSR, with the U.S. supporting the regime of King Haile Selassie in rival Ethiopia. When Haile Selassie was overthrown, the alliances switched, and the U.S. then backed the dictator Siad Barre in Somalia."
"From the late 1970s onward, the U.S. sent about $50 million a year in arms to Barre’s regime to help him keep a tight grip on the country. When repression wasn’t enough, Barre exploited divisions among the different clans in Somalia. When Barre was overthrown, these clan rivalries exploded.
"The civil war that followed caused a horrible famine that took 300,000 lives, as the warring factions took over the farms of rival clans and burned their crops."
"The film Black Hawk Down paints the Somali people as wild savages. Elvis Mitchell, who reviewed the film for the New York Times when it opened in December, wrote: "The lack of characterization converts the Somalis into a pack of snarling dark-skinned beasts--intended or not, it reeks of glumly staged racism."
"Let’s not forget that U.S. ground troops caused much more devastation in Mogadishu--killing close to 10,000 people in a matter of just a few weeks. Let’s not forget that U.S. ground troops turned whole neighborhoods of Panama City to rubble in 1989, while killing thousands of people."
How is that for a storyline, for once we can hear the true story about a war event including the US?

Whatever. Base your map on whatever you wan't. If it is fun I would certainly play it. Good luck...
Ok one thing. The only reason why people think this movie is racist to the somalies is becuase you see like a hundred of them die and get blown up in the movie. The point of the movie and book IS NOT ABOUT THE SOMALIES!!!!!!! its about the AMERCIAN soldiers who found themselfs trapped in a city that wanted to kill them. The book does go into detail about a number of somalies, even the somalie that lived in the house that the 1st Black Hawk Helicopter smashed over when it crashed. I have read the book before and have it at my house and the dvd of black hawk down at my house too so I have endless amount of resources at my disposal. In James Bond movies and books you see endless amounts of people gettting killed by one man, James Bond. I have never heard of a James Bond movie being called racist before (corrrect me if IM wrong).
Lastly Im sick and tired of people bashing the book/movie Black Hawk Down and other soldier for being racist and making the enemy look like barbarics. Frankely, the movie made you see the somalies through the eyes of the soldiers who were fighting during the battle! If the movie wanted to go inot detail about every somalie that died then it would have been a very, long, long, long movie.