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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> BLACK HAWK DOWN
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-10 at 02:56:20
A S.T.A.R.S of Ra Production

Me and my team have begun a new map based on Black Hawk Down (Movie and book)

Story: 160 Army Rangers and Delta mount up on Helicopters and hummers to go capture some high ranking officials of a War Lord in Mogideshu(I have no idea how to spell that city name), Somlia in east Africa. But when things started to go wrong and Helicopters started getting shot down the army soldiers found them selfs surrounded by thousands of armed militia. Their only way out would be each other, they left NO MAN behind. This map is deticated to the soldiers who fought and died in this battle. BASED ON AN ACTUAL EVENT.

Badlands 192x192

Features: One feature that I just have to get off my mind is a tank in the map is a hummer, and there is squares(blocked off space in the map) in the bottom left hand corner of map. Those squares are for goliths that are 50. Cal. guns for the hummers. There are other squares that are at the bottom of map that are the inside of a hummer. NOW heres the cool part. You will be able to load a hummer with 4 of your guys by moving to a hummer that is motionless in the actual game real time, your men wil then be transported to the square that is the inside of that hummer. There will be a beacon in the inside of that hummer ( square) where your guys are that will be the location for you to mount the 50. Cal. When you mount the 50. Cal. a golith will appear in the square nearest to your hummer square and that golith will be attacked by somalies. When you mount the 50. Cal, your tank (hummer) that is driving around the city will not be able to get hurt, but your golith(50. Cal.) will be the unit taking the damage. If the golith dies, then a wav. will play from the movie of a guy yelling "GET THE 50. UP". If no one mounts the 50. Cal. then your tank (hummer) will be able to start taking damage. If your tank(hummer) dies, then the men inside will appear ouside where the tank(hummer) died. The area your tank is in(city sections) will determine the amount of somalies that attack your golith. If your outside the city then no one will attack you but the deeper you go into the city the more somalies will attack your golith. And if your golith is being attacked, then the wav. theme from black hawk down will start playing (leave no man behind). You will not have control over the tanks (hummers) and the hummers will follow the actual path of the "Lost Convoy" from the book and movie. One condition in the game will be that the convoy must survive, so that means you must put a few of your men in the tanks(hummers) in order to defend them (golith). Also, the first golith to die will play a wav. that every one can hear where a man yells "CHRIST HES censored.gif ED UP!" and then another man yells "C2 we got a K-I-A, Domnic Phillip, over"

For people who have read the book and seen the movie then you will know what Im talking about. Me and my team have already come up with triggers to pull this off and I suck I triggers so I made the most accurate terrain of the book/movie to date!

I hope this isn't too hard to understand blink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-10 at 12:18:01
I dont care what you just said jahakob,

You cant really make a map on Starcraft that is intenticle to the actual event. ive seen disgraceful versions of it.

Anyways, the movie was rated 4 stars and it was excellent.

The book, the author got alot of comments saying how he captured the moments of the events

The game?
"A serious tactical shooter...extremely good looking" - Computer Games, March 2003

"It goes from impressive to plain jaw dropping" -, Feb 2003

The Movie,Book, and Game was all a hit if i recall....

And of course, USA think they can budge into anything... But thats Bush for you disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-10 at 14:10:41
QUOTE(Jahakob @ Feb 10 2005, 01:58 AM)
Black hawk down is possibly one of the worst movies ever based on a real event, haven't read the book. It is just so plain stupid. The U.S soldiers was never meant to be there.

"DURING THE Cold War, Somalia was a client state of the former USSR, with the U.S. supporting the regime of King Haile Selassie in rival Ethiopia. When Haile Selassie was overthrown, the alliances switched, and the U.S. then backed the dictator Siad Barre in Somalia."

"From the late 1970s onward, the U.S. sent about $50 million a year in arms to Barre’s regime to help him keep a tight grip on the country. When repression wasn’t enough, Barre exploited divisions among the different clans in Somalia. When Barre was overthrown, these clan rivalries exploded.

"The civil war that followed caused a horrible famine that took 300,000 lives, as the warring factions took over the farms of rival clans and burned their crops."

"The film Black Hawk Down paints the Somali people as wild savages. Elvis Mitchell, who reviewed the film for the New York Times when it opened in December, wrote: "The lack of characterization converts the Somalis into a pack of snarling dark-skinned beasts--intended or not, it reeks of glumly staged racism."

"Let’s not forget that U.S. ground troops caused much more devastation in Mogadishu--killing close to 10,000 people in a matter of just a few weeks. Let’s not forget that U.S. ground troops turned whole neighborhoods of Panama City to rubble in 1989, while killing thousands of people."

How is that for a storyline, for once we can hear the true story about a war event including the US?  tongue.gif


Whatever. Base your map on whatever you wan't. If it is fun I would certainly play it. Good luck...

Ok one thing. The only reason why people think this movie is racist to the somalies is becuase you see like a hundred of them die and get blown up in the movie. The point of the movie and book IS NOT ABOUT THE SOMALIES!!!!!!! its about the AMERCIAN soldiers who found themselfs trapped in a city that wanted to kill them. The book does go into detail about a number of somalies, even the somalie that lived in the house that the 1st Black Hawk Helicopter smashed over when it crashed. I have read the book before and have it at my house and the dvd of black hawk down at my house too so I have endless amount of resources at my disposal. In James Bond movies and books you see endless amounts of people gettting killed by one man, James Bond. I have never heard of a James Bond movie being called racist before (corrrect me if IM wrong).

Lastly Im sick and tired of people bashing the book/movie Black Hawk Down and other soldier for being racist and making the enemy look like barbarics. Frankely, the movie made you see the somalies through the eyes of the soldiers who were fighting during the battle! If the movie wanted to go inot detail about every somalie that died then it would have been a very, long, long, long movie.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-10 at 18:27:15

There will be 3 Ranger players, and 2 Delta players.
I had to make the convoy and Army Helicopters computer becuase I was afraid that people would abuse them and lose the game.
There will be a somlie force and city.

Now the computer controlled convoy and Helicopters will narate the gameplay. There will also be a ranger unit controled by the computers. EX: One mission for Chalk 4 in the game will be trying to get Private Blackbird to the target building after he has fallen off the helicopter. The "stretcher" that blackbird will be on will be a computer controlled reaver the will slowly move towards the target building and if it dies then you lose, so you must send 2-4 of your men with it to defend to all the way down the street.

Another feature is When Delta snipers Slughart and Gordon request to secure crash site #2, the delta players will each decide if they want to send them in, if they don't then the pilot, Mike Durant, who survived the crash might get killed instead of captured (resulting in you losing), but if you do send the snipers in then they might buy enough time for high ranking Somalie miltia men to arrive at the crash site and CAPTURE Durant but your snipers could be killed before you can get renforcements down there.

Basiclly most of the events during this map will be staged and activated by your computer controled allies.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-10 at 23:33:01
Screen shots are coming soon



I have pulled together and recorded all of the wav. that I will be using for the map. Now all I got to do is compress the wav. files becuase they are really large!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-11 at 03:48:23
Maybe the game is fun, haven't played it.

Ive got the game, and it is a very good game. Im amazed how these three subjects: The Movie, The Book, The Game just was great because all of them captured the events.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-11 at 06:18:56
Hey Chris, here's what you need to call the units:

Black Hawk Helicopters have a name, they are called MH-60 Black Hawk

Those little helicopters, also known as little birds are called AH-6 Little Bird

Hummers, some name for a vehicle HMMWV Humvee

Here's a tip too. The Black Hawks always have two M134 7.62 Door Mounted Electric Miniguns.So considering that, if any of the players are inside in any MH-60 you need to add say two scouts as the Mounted Miniguns.

Use Scouts instead of goliaths, because goliaths just sound stupid, they will get in the way of the tanks when they move, then when this happens some events may occur which you dont want happening.

Its funny, i consider this idea stolen because of this: Aliens: Evacuation

This map is on hold and will resume production later. So Chris how did you come up with my idea then? Oh are registered with my site too happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-11 at 10:25:56
Ok Peazel:

One: I am going to use goliths becuase for the triggers that IM using and for the look I want. They will also not get in any unit's way becuase they will spawn in their own little cut-off part of a map. My map will sort of have a real time section (where your ground troops will be in the city) and another section of the map that will house the goliths that spawn and the inside of Humvees.

For stealing your idea, mmm what was your idea?? When ever I check yor site it is only for the helms deep, and RE maps that are in production. I also think that if it is true that we are some how doing the same trigger idea. but both our maps are still in production so my thinking is if you finish your Aliens map before me then I will gladly say that, that trigger is yours, but If I finish my BHD before your aliens map, well then I geuss it will be my idea.

I would also like to ask you where in the site this trigger is talked about and what does it do?? Becuase the only real reason why I have you be able to get into hummers is so you can mount a 50. Cal. (so when the computer's golith eventually dies you can send one of your own soldiers up to mount the gun) Thats it. No real other use.

So if you can show me what your trigger was then I will modify mine so they are different wink.gif . The last thing I want is people telling me I steal ideas becuase I don't.

P.S. Thanks for the names, I already have them in! Just naming a drop ship Black Hawk would be stupid. You got to have the official name in there! wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-11 at 22:06:58

89% Of terrain is complete. 0% of triggers complete. 100% Of wav.s are recorded and compressed.

Also, I was really thinking about what peazel said and I finally realized that the ALiens: evacutaution name was actually a link blink.gif . I read the forum and realized that my idea is very similiar to Peazel's so I came up with another idea that is totally different and Im not sure that it is possible. OK so this it: Instead of goliths and that whole deal I will have cloaked bunkers running down each street and the men inside will be neutral and there will be a location over each bunker. You will be able to drive over these cloaked bunkers (sort of like the map Invisble Bunker Defense). And there wil be a trigger that "If player convoy brings at least 1 "tank" to location "X" then convoy will have temprory contol over that bunker for a split second and the men inside will start to fire upon somalies in the street when the tank drives over it making the effect that the tank is actually shooting at bad guys as the tank drives by. The control of the bunkers will be disabled when that tnak leaves the location that is over the bunker.

Now that is a temperory idea that might not be possible becuase I still have to talk to my trigger man about it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-02-11 at 22:50:09
Please, ill be happy if you dont imitate those crappy maps online. I get so tired of seeing "BLACK HAWK DOWN...COME!!!" and then its a crappy map, and i mean CRAPPY. Overall, you have a great storyline, cant wait to play it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-02-12 at 00:13:06
Yeah ive seen a few crappy maps that have no triggering skill at all called Black Hawk Down. It would be a great map to make especially in the desert, fighting, and doing missions with a few allied computers would be awsome.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-12 at 01:24:02
Yep, i had a Black Hawk down map in mind but i never got it done. So its all yours Chris. Do your best to make the best Black Hawk Down map on
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-12 at 03:23:03
thanks all. Just got the delta insertion part done. Funny, I really need to adjust the triggers becuase alot of the musc and spawns are off timing. lol, easy fix Im just too lazy to do it right now tongue.gif

Note that the more things I am putting into this map and wav.s and what not, the bigger it will be. I have had to cut out a bunch of wav.s that I would have loved to be in the map but then the map would just be unpracticle and no one would want to wait for the long dl. Even with my current wav.s in the map the final product is going to be ( IM geussing) about 12-13 mb. Which is fairly large compared to other maps out there.

I will get alot of the basic triggers in this week (becuase thats all I can do is the busy work blink.gif ) but expect this map to slowly slow down in production rate becuase my main trigger man, AvatarOfRa, is a freaking lazy mo fo. But when I do get him to work on maps, he gets so much down with little glitchs which is awsome. So I am planning a Alpha/beta demo to be released 2 weeks from now at the least.

One thing I noticed from reading the book and watching the movie last night is how much vegetitation there is in the city. There are many trees and long grass, not just sand and dust! Now I got to add all those elements into the map for realism pinch.gif

One problem I am encountering is wav.s being too quite! ranting.gif !!Must increase blast and volume and all that good stuff!! ranting.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-12 at 03:56:30
Hey ill give you a list of the official weapons they used in Somalia.

Below are the weapons Delta Forces/Operators used in Somalia:


CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR
Well this weapon was used by Delta Forces in Somalia. It was that Rifle with the Red Scope.

Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 11.6 rps


M21 7.62mm
This was another weapon used by Delta Forces in Somalia. Like the CAR-15 it had the medium power scope, which was a red color scope. It was the Sniper Rifle which allows accurate sniping from helicopters and moving ground vehicles.

Ammo Type: 7.62 x 51mm
Rounds Per Clip: 20
Rounds Carried: 200
Muzzle Velocity: 777 m/s
Rate of Fire: 2 rps


Colt M1911A1 .45
A high-power handgun used by Delta Forces/Operators in Somalia.

Ammo Type: .45 Automatic
Rounds Per Clip: 7
Rounds Carried: 28
Muzzle Velocity: 253 /ms
Rate of Fire: 4 rps

Below are the weapons 75th Ranger Regiment used during Somalia:


M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR
This weapon was mainly used by the 75th Ranger Regiment in Somlia.

Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 11.6 rps


M249 SAW 5.56mm MG
A machine gun used by some 75th Rangers. It required another Ranger to assist the gunner should he need ammo.

Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Rounds Per Clip: 200
Rounds Carried: 600
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 8.33 rps

Both Rangers and Delta used grenades:

M67 Fragmentation Grenade
This was a deadly grenade, The resultinghigh velocity shrapnel can cause casualties out to 15 meters.

Well, i hope all that detailed information can help with your map wink.gif .
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TSoldier_Wol[f] on 2005-02-12 at 13:39:27
I tried doing this map almost like your map, but I gave up on it cause, I didn't have a good map editor at that time. I was using the "Campaign Map Editor" for it. But, I gave up on it. Then later on after that I got the X-Tra Editor. This was the time when I was a noob at map maker. I was more like in the middle of Beginner and Average. Well, get the map done. and also, Good luck with it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-12 at 15:31:07
Ok thanks all.

Peazel, I am only going to have one player and one unit in the game be using the M21 7.62mm. The reason for this is Gary Gordon (I think that was the guy who carried it, maybe it was Slughart) was the only man on the ground(or air) that day carring a M21 7.62mm becuase of the new bullet rounds the army was giving out . The new rounds were extremely good at piercing armer plating, but they were so acurate and direct, that when you shot some one with that round, the bullet would pass clean through his body and not do as much damage as other bullet rounds. These new rounds were called blue tip rounds.( or something like that I got to find that chapter in the book again). So Gary Gordon stayed with his M21 7.62mm becuase it didn't use the new bullet rounds and had more punch and stopping power then the other weapons the army was using that day.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ETEFT on 2005-02-13 at 00:11:01
I made a BHD map, the most popular one I believe, about 2-3 years ago? Don't remember, but it got really popular for some reason. . . I made it in about 20 minutes, it's the one with the science vessels, hehe.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-13 at 00:43:32
hey ETEFT, could you post youtr BHD map? becuase I don't think I have ever played one on but I have heard of them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-13 at 03:53:09
hey ETEFT, what the hell happened to you.

That map, oh yes i played it with you that was ages ago. Funny, that 20 minute map got popular....Ive seen it a few times in the join game list.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ETEFT on 2005-02-13 at 11:50:20
Here ya go, not really a good map, took me 20 mins as I said and it got really popular.. lol, peazel, wuts up bro, haven't seen you in a long time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TSoldier_Wol[f] on 2005-02-13 at 14:42:59
QUOTE(ETEFT @ Feb 13 2005, 11:50 AM)
Here ya go, not really a good map, took me 20 mins as I said and it got really popular.. lol, peazel, wuts up bro, haven't seen you in a long time.

Isn't the crappy map I played? Cause, The one map you made was very very crappy, No offenise though.

Offtopic: Are you british? Cause, you spelled "mom" wrong and also, you spelled it the way the british spells it.

QUOTE(S.T.A.R.S-Chris @ Feb 10 2005, 02:56 AM)
then the wav. theme from black hawk down will start playing (leave no man behind).

Report, edit, etc...Posted by ETEFT on 2005-02-13 at 15:32:52
No offense tooken, I made that map when I was just started to make maps, lol. TSoldier_Wolf, your name seems familiar, have you played any of my re maps?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-02-13 at 15:36:13
Thanks for the music, but I already have the wav.s that I need
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-02-13 at 20:22:01
QUOTE(ETEFT @ Feb 13 2005, 11:50 AM)
Here ya go, not really a good map, took me 20 mins as I said and it got really popular.. lol, peazel, wuts up bro, haven't seen you in a long time.

Hey ETEFT, People said you went somewhere, i thought u died. Looks like your back smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ETEFT on 2005-02-13 at 21:34:24
Yea, I don't see you on any more either PeazeL, you still on US east? and no I am not british but I luv british girls.
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