I've been looking for a 3D terrainer for my RPG map for the longest time.
I have a great deal of triggers PLANNED OUt for this RPG, it will be an incredibly expansive ever-changing (well not EVER) world within Starcraft...
I'm just looking for a 3D terrainer for the CITY WALLS.
Nothing more, nothing special or fantastic, I just need freakin' 3d walls surrounding the city.
Feel free to delete the buildings within. Please do not change any other terrain.
The city walls will be ENCLOSED completely. "teleports" in and out of the city will be marked by the places where gaps are now.
(Gaps within the boundries of the "city')
There are two cities, one upper right (evil), one lower left (good).
If ONE person would do this I'd be greatful and donate minerals to them.
If multiple do... I dunno how minerals will be spread....
Thanks guys
I could do them if you want. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be back.
BTW: This Goes ither in terran or group projects. Not In melee map assiatance.
Hummm... I opened your map but I don't get what you wants exacly.... You want the 2 cities in the top right corner and the bottom left corner to have 3D walls?
Ok, I made the Upper Wall of the Bottom Left City, Tell me if thats what you want. If it is, I'll do it every were else in the two cities.
Here ya go. There are little inperfections here and there, didn't have time to fix them but if you say it's ok, i'll correct some other stuff.
BTW I saw you made some dock or something and there are some other placed that I could improve if you like.
Exactly what I wanted...
K this is gonna be BAD.. but can you start over?
I don't want the wall going PAST where the wall started.
It can go INside the city more (i'll make room for buildings space). But the terrain beyond the city walls is just the way I want it (for now) (no doodads placed yet).
I just wanted a BASIC outline of a 3D temple / 3d dirt.
To use as city walls, I can make improvements and details with just a basic layout.
Someone else did a cool dock for me, but I probably won't use it. I'll make my own. But thanks a bunch.
Thanks also for doing this.
And I know this is the wrong forum, but this has to do with terrain, and I've been trying to get people to help in GROUP PROJECTS for a week now. None really helped.
Also, if completed both cities both walls (temple/dirt) I'll pay minerals (in SEN).
again, yes the way you did the portion of the temple is right, but don't go BEYOND the previously set walls (you can go inside the city though, to extend the 3d terrain).
>Moved to Ideas & Recruitment
Drakiel can u post that dock by any chance? Want some ideas for my own dock.
I forgot who made this - but they did a decent job on it!
It's mainly just the bridge doodad, in square tiles (instead of a doodad).
what do you mean by 3d walls?
Humm.. So do you wan't me to make the walls int the map were the is a dock, or the other one you gave me in first place? I'm almost done with the walls, I didn't have much time thought. Should finish them soon. Continu triggering and stuff will your waiting.
Naw I'm good for the dock, but thanks. I just want walls surrounding the city. The walls you made are kinda ehh, but that's all I needed anyway. Just a basic layout so I can go over and reedit it and stuff later.
As for triggers, I havn't TOUCHED them, I have about 5 months work of paperwork and ideas written down. Currently I'm working on quests, I'll have about 18 quests PER side (evil/good) - they will be randomized.
Aswell as Character-unique quests, which will only be about 3 or so and will NOT be randomized.
Aswell as SPELL quests.. which will also not be randomized, however, there will be a few spells you can SELECT - Each charcter has the choice of 6 spells, 4 of which can be selected and used. The other two you have to do without, choose wisely.
Lemmie know when you're finished, I SITLL need to work on other terrain details and what not, I havn't TOUCHED doodads, need to add a billion and a half trees still and what not. THen work on respawn randomization locations.
drakiel i would do it but i got a new computer and my mom wont let me install starcraft on this computer

or anything other that does with starcraft
Sorry for making you wait, I totoly forgot about this. It will be done tonight.