Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> weird glitch
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-02-11 at 17:55:43
well one day i was making my defence map(box defnce) and i made 1 big fat trigger on my playing field(thus, i named it "playing field")

well i put some platform(medium height) in the middle, then i put rusted pits(low) on the sides, wher the path is. well i put the trigger teleprot them back to the middle(the trigger properties was set to low elevation). BUT it kept teleporting to the middle, even when it was on midium ground, so i couldnt move my units, they were stuck. it seems liek it brings the properties of the low ground to another place?
i dont know, il have to test more...maby its because theres something on my map that caused that.

anyways..i posted here so i wouldnt forget mad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2005-02-11 at 19:19:24
i may be wrong on this post but im pretty sure that the elevation boxes arent very proportional to the terrain height but the terrain itself which is why it would happen.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-02-11 at 19:33:27
it has to do with height, or else all my untisd would be in the middle since the beginning. also air...its acts differently to ground or air. i discovered that it only affects air, when i do that. ground is just normal. or it just might be the solar array i dont know the elevation of that...but its super weird...

liek this il re-explain everything

i got rusty pit and solar pannels bordering a platform. i set it to low elevation(the location prop). when i bring to the rusty pit, nothing happens unless i drop my ground unit in there, then it teleports it to the middle, but its not stuck. when i bring to a solar panel, it teleports my air units to middle and icant move...which means its teleproting super fast....

it might be the trigger or the terrain....

platfrom is middle(elevation) i think....

and this was all 1 location...
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