hey hey whats up . im CrazyWulf 21/m/ontario canada found this site by goining to chan sutum maps in broodwar then typing the http site they give in msn search bar. was a mistake but um a good one
i love this site becouse ive allways wanted to find help with map making
my fav maps to make are to find a terrain map i like then trig it all to hell
maby if ya nice and catch me on bnet usest ill show ya my map im making now
i dun have nay of my old maps that ive made they all got lost so im making a new one whewn its dun ill post here and then distribute on bnet
im sure everone will like. its not just another one of them maps. well maby it is but its gonna be better thgen all the others
onces i can think of a story to tell ill start to make rpgs
great chating with yall talk at ya later