not always true, terrans can make bunkers in cliff, that roxx glings
and toss can make photons in cliff
(okay its long to make photons, but ....)
and i didn't vote because the answer is : it depends ....
for exemple, once, i made a map that was a bit like cat&mouse winter, but in melee and there was lots of gas at middle in an expand and players were fighting for it.
And it was still quite balanced, because u'll think terarn bunkers own ? but photons or sunken get higher range !
or zerg would win by rushing gling ? no ! because it's a maze and glings move with difficult.
and protoss would win ?? well, why would they do ??
and for make the game balanced more, i added gas at main but with 0 gas inside at start, so players got gas, but very a little will they dont go to middle
neither, i think it's a bad idea, i would suggest the 0 gas at main