In your profile, the line for Map Making Skill is still there. Are you planning to remove it because you have removed the Map Making Skill level, or are you keeping it there because you hate me for telling you guys about it
I gess they didn't have time to, or they didn't think about it.
BTW: WHY DID YOU REMOVE IT??? I know some people thought they were better than they were but it was nice to have it their, now it looks empty and you can see if people are kinda good or not, theire was still some people who putted the right one.
It should have been automatically removed, however, I intentionally broke the script apart to customize the profiles a little more. I'll fix it later today or tomorrow.
I just when't in my profile and I saw it was fixed. Never mind, I looked in the modify option spot insted of the profile info.
We removed mapping skill because it's orginal intention was to assist the forumers by giving a level of explaination relative to what they say their mapping skill is.
People are feeding their egos by putting it to "Advanced" and asking questions that are worthy of "Beginner". Obviously, this system is faulty.
Well then why don't you use that other concept about ranting the persons help and their maps. Or will that take too much time?
Ya, you should leave it but make it like people have to earn their level. Heres a suggestion. When the DLDB Keepers aprove a map, they say what level they rate it to and a member is assigned the hightest level he has for his maps.
Make a thing where it says "How difficult do you want your advices to be?"
We should of kept it until we found a new system. Even though they abused the old system, we still had a system. People would be both good and bad, now no one knows much. Oh well...not my decision...
The system was more trouble then it was helpful. Removal was the only option.
We'll think up a new system...
Ok I got a system for rankings. All of our maps (yes even bounds) are available for reviewing. They are ranked from 1-4 4 being the best.
4-Uber (I can't do double dot thing voer the U)
Whenever someone submits a map and it gets reviewed all of their maps' scores are added together and averaged and they get a value.
That value appears in their little side thingy as the titles above.
Maybe this is better than what we had before?
But then, like always, you just get a couple of friends to vote 4 and you'll get the Über skill really fast. I think the best way is to take the DLDB Keepers opinion only.
Rate every map in the DLDB? Are you Mad?
Me, Chu and High can't possibly play and rate over 1000 maps.
Yeah, and most maps would get a biased rating of 1 from me, anyway.
QUOTE(ShadowBrood @ Feb 15 2005, 12:09 AM)
Ok I got a system for rankings. All of our maps (yes even bounds) are available for reviewing. They are ranked from 1-4 4 being the best.
4-Uber (I can't do double dot thing voer the U)
Whenever someone submits a map and it gets reviewed all of their maps' scores are added together and averaged and they get a value.
That value appears in their little side thingy as the titles above.
Maybe this is better than what we had before?
That's going to get abused right away. Everyone will either be a Beginner or Uber
QUOTE(ChaosRyder @ Feb 15 2005, 05:59 AM)
But then, like always, you just get a couple of friends to vote 4 and you'll get the Über skill really fast. I think the best way is to take the DLDB Keepers opinion only.
I think the best thing to do is drop anything that involves "rating" people/maps. Everyone's got their own opinions; some more radical than others and some more biased than others.
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Feb 15 2005, 07:09 PM)
Yeah, and most maps would get a biased rating of 1 from me, anyway.
Me 2
Maybe some kind of optional 'test' where you are asked several questions about how to do certain things in staredit. It's kinda gay but it could maybe work =p.
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG[eM] @ Feb 15 2005, 08:00 PM)
Rate every map in the DLDB? Are you Mad?
Me, Chu and High can't possibly play and rate over 1000 maps.
When you aprove a map don't you play it to see if it should get accepted? After playing just give it a rating from 1-4 or something like that. Doesn't take that much time. And plus you are 2. Or maybe hire some more DLDB Keepers.
QUOTE(PearS @ Feb 16 2005, 12:48 AM)
Maybe some kind of optional 'test' where you are asked several questions about how to do certain things in staredit. It's kinda gay but it could maybe work =p.
Same thing happens, a good map maker could tell all the answer to a friend so he gets Über too. You know life if full of idiots.
QUOTE(ChaosRyder @ Feb 16 2005, 09:19 AM)
When you aprove a map don't you play it to see if it should get accepted? After playing just give it a rating from 1-4 or something like that. Doesn't take that much time. And plus you are 2. Or maybe hire some more DLDB Keepers.
Would I remember every single map I download? I've had this job since October and on average I ahve to download about 25 maps per week and right now I have no Starcraft Cd and I have to get my friend to play them.
I also haven't played msot of the maps that were already submitted before I was DLDB Keepr which would be about ~700 maps.
Chu was inactive from about February 2004 to January 2005 and I believe he has missed out on a lot, so the both of us can't possibly do it.
High would be in the same situation as me.
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Feb 14 2005, 08:31 AM)
It should have been automatically removed, however, I intentionally broke the script apart to customize the profiles a little more. I'll fix it later today or tomorrow.
What happened to this IP?
Chill, we all have things on our mind.
Peer validated reviews. It's abusable, sure, but reviews from people with credibility (who in turn can feed into other's credibility) help deal with that problem.
Peer validated reviews seems worse off than what we had before. Most people usually don't vote (an example is why the republicans win while Democrats overwhelmingly outnumber the republicans). From my standpoint (that may be in err, please correct me if I am wrong) it is more likely that a stupid person would have all his friends cheaply raise him up to Uber status instead of the general populous actually voting to raise anyone's status.
What I am saying Tux is that it is more likely that I could convince my friends to raise me up to Uber
faster than the general populous would actually vote on your maps to raise you up to your rightful position. Sorta sucks if my statement is true, huh.