QUOTE(Paella @ Feb 14 2005, 07:35 AM)
I'm not sure how it works here, but I think that each member has around 1MB of storage on the website, if not my bad. I noticed how some important members like mods or outstanding mappers have their own websites. If we have universal space on the site I think that each member should be able to have their own, while they have to maintain it. If the restriction of 1MB per person is enforced, this would lead to no problem at all. The websites would be:
http://yourname.staredit.netI think it would be a good idea.
QUOTE(Guest @ Feb 14 2005, 08:24 AM)
We cannot host websites at this time. Maybe in the future we will allow members to create mini websites for their maps.
We do not have the space to host too many things. Already as it is, we host backups, up to 10mb maps/files, and attachments. More than what I can say for many other sites in the community.
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Feb 14 2005, 08:26 AM)
Sorry, that was me, not logged in.
Well, you know how you have a file backup, and this space uses your global space? Why not do the same thing for paela's idea?
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG[eM] @ Feb 14 2005, 04:01 PM)
This Mini profile seems like a good idea.
You go into my regular profile and then you could click on a link like "Mini Profile" or something like that and I'll post a brief description of my Maps/Tutorials and things like that.
Also a journal like at BlizzForums would be nice.
If HTML is enabled someoen will have to help me with it or make it very newb friendly for me

If I understand you correctly, I believe we already have it. It is called "card".
QUOTE(DISTURBED @ Feb 14 2005, 05:57 PM)
One lastt thingy.... um..
About the allowed size for signitures... I really thing it should be updated some... To where like if a signiture picture (Mine for example) take up all the space.. should allow some space for words only...
Put in the rules like:...
600 x 200 signiture pictures only..
and 2 lines of text under or above the picture... Therefor the person could put like.. Map percentages or put links to things..
Why not make the border lines much more clear for those who are running Interent Explorer? Right now I have to guess to see if my sig fits.