Well, after reading about lazy people not wanting to learn Starforge triggers...
And... after going through like 2 hours of the same trigger over and over and I haven even COME CLOSE to making a dent in my goal (over 1,000 trigs, only have about 200 so far).
I heard about being able to Copy and Past in starforge... sounds easy enough.
I imagined it being like C++ where you just have one "sheet of paper" and everything is just compiled there, a space in between each new trigger.
Well I start to find... it's not exactly copy and paste, you stil have to create a new trigger, then WITHIN the trigger copy and paste. So it doesn't save a whole lot more time... If it was just "one sheet of paper" you can see all your triggers down and copy and past from there without having to GO TO that trigger to see inside it.
I also notice that all non-commented triggers say "No comment" not giving and detail as to what the trigger is... (unlike staredit, where it shows you all the triggers in it... heavy on the eyes, but you can quickly figure out what the trigger is doing)
If you comment it it's all good...
BUT... Comments do take up strings in Starforge, correct? And all triggers MUST Be commented (or you won't be able to find it later).
Sooo.... is there any way around commenting triggers? oorrrr does Starforge not have a string limit on commenting triggers? Because I already have about 800+ triggers commented, and I think the limit is like 1,000something.
Sorry this is so long.
Comments please?
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG[eM] @ Feb 18 2005, 05:07 PM)
There is a way to get around using comment for your triggers but it can take up some work if you're using a lot of trigegrs.
Take a paper and pencil and start commenting your triggers.
Then when you go to Starforge you look at the paper and you can see which trigger is the one you are looking for.
No, just use global comments. BeeR you have no respect for trees you paper-waster.
QUOTE(HeRtZ @ Feb 19 2005, 03:08 AM)
but why does it always say No Comment instead of showing the triggers. Its just like that piece of paper it shows what you write down
The trigger editor is NOT finished, it might be changed.
I'm not trying to bash Starforge in any way shape or form. But why is it perfered? Sure you can copy and past, but.. ugh that "organization" deal with "no comments" is the only reason I'm not using it.
Because it does stuff no other editor can do, and people like to show off,
I should do some experiementing with StarForge commenting, like if you have two comments in a trigger.
Anyways, it's mostly for the stuff that X-tra would get rid of. SCMD can do a lot of what StarForge does, but not everything. Plus it has the best tile placer (except for isometrical, which isn't perfect.).
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Feb 19 2005, 02:54 AM)
No, just use global comments. BeeR you have no respect for trees you paper-waster.
Then don't use paper and pencil.
You can use buttons and notepad instead.