Usually when I leave the site for a few minutes without manually Logging off this Bug happens. It tells me I'm not logged on so then I click on the Log In button so that I can Log In but then It's asks me to log in but it automatically logged me on once I clicked Log In. loggin out and logging back in
Thats not the problem.
The problem is it asks me to log in even though I'm already logged in.
Look the the top left corner of the screenshot, you can see that I'm logged in.
It might mean that your session needs another click to see that you're logged in again? IP was messing with some of the session code I think, get his opinion :\
It has happened to me too quite a lot. Sometimes it doesn't happen. I don't have clue why its happening though.
Maybe cuz you're using some crappy browser called "msn"?
Try using firefox or regular ie.
Could be, I'm always using MSN.
Ummm, I use MSN and I don't have this problem; although it does that on a couple other forums. =\