This thing has been there for a few days.
It's annoying as hell.
Kill it with fire.
Dose not do that for me.... Maybe something wrong with you net, or something...
Interesting. Using IE? I don't have this problem either. I suppose if anyone else does or doesn't they should post so Yoshi or IP knows whether the cases are isolated or common.
The problem is, your resolution is below 800x600. I wasn't aware anyone used anything that low anymore...
Anyways, sorry but its imcompatible with this website.
Holy... My monitor can't even reach 640x400...
Already as stands, I've always barely struggled to make SEN compatible with 800x600, sometimes I had to cheat, make up new techniques, and so on. There is no way in hell we'll ever be compatible with anything lower. Heck, I think we may be going to 1024x768 in the next layout (if we ever get a new one).
That's not possible yet
It's professional to make your site compatiable with 800, too many people still use it.
I think, however, that pretty soon 1024 will be the norm, just not yet.
I'm sure I know what the problem is though.
*isolatedpurity adds this to the ever growing list IP, its just because my table sizes were designed for 800x600, and it is struggling to fit them in. You can see that defined sizes require at least a width of 800 pixels.
Nah... tables wouldn't do that.
I'm betting it's my floating divs.