I numbered them in a better format and they can be obtained
[center]29, and 44 are extreamly useful!
Anyway... I didn't know some of those... Sad...[/center]
Wow those are really usefull, Thanks, I think ill take them into mind while I make my map, So it can be Über...
Most of them are usefull, I didn't care too much about the random map making tips there because since it's random, I could get like couple of times the same one. Anyways Thx.
Nice, when I first came to SEN I always read those things. I found something interesting while reading these:
I looked at the url of the page and I knew that there was something weird, I found this:
LINK - CLICK MElol, got you moose

Dude, I've never tried to hide it, I've even posted about it before (ie, people complaining the site was down but only the MySQL was). My signature image is also there. If I didn't want you to find it, don't you think I would've uploaded to a different directory?

Well...whatever, at least I've never seen it before. Also, in the Player 14+ research you posted lots of links for pics but when you click them you get this:
The page you're looking for doesn't exist. Refreshing the page won't make it exist.
so funny
That research is very out of date, Deathknight has done enough to cover it all. I really should work on my page there though.

Lol yea,,,,

, But you should keep it a secret and make members guess on what its all about...But change the adress...

Thnx. These kinds of things are a nice quick reference for newbs like me.
Welp.... "Their your folks!" hehe.. "There you are folks" #54 #55.
Wow... I actually had them all before seeing this list, I guess my refresh and get'em all eventually thing worked

. And to think their was an easier way....

Cool! That was one of my favorite parts of SEN... thanks for bringing them back... in a way.