Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Melee Chat -> (2)Land Grab
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-23 at 18:01:29
Hello all again, Yes im making another melee map since my first real atemp melee map was a sucess to many members and my friends. Who liked it, Well as you all know im gonig melee careere. So expect each map to get better and better and to see more maps from me.

Well i will keep each topic made by me updated, I will keep each Melee map updated. I can not promiss prefect melee maps, but i can promiss playable ones.

Well im only here doing this topic as of corse im making another melee map called (2)Land Grab.

In this topic i will be keeping you updated with sreecn shots of how things go/looknig.

I have no screen shots at the monment, As ive only got got the idea in my head. So after this post im gonig right into staredit.

After the map is complete i will ask that this topic is moved into the *Melee Map Showcase*

Players: 2
Tile-set: Badlands
Map size: 128x128
Map created by: Tazzy

Thank you for reading.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-02-23 at 18:25:45
Err, what's up with the 'e' in "Grabe?"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Puni(F) on 2005-02-23 at 18:26:33
Cool, Finally some people are taking melee map making seriously.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-23 at 18:27:40
Err, what's up with the 'e' in "Grabe?"

Opps miss spelling, Fixed that now.

Cool, Finally some people are taking melee map making seriously.

Yea, making melee maps is fun. Ecpext alot from me. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-02-23 at 19:30:29
1st off, you play rugby? cool, so do some kids at my school.
2nd, have you started the map yet? post like almost a daily screen shot, who cares if its incomplete.
3rd, ill be glad to help you with this along the way
4th, yea tazzy, you and i have been posting quite a few melee maps good to be in the business with you.
5th, After this map, you wanna do a joint project? i promise i will be trusting.
talk to ya later

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cnl.Fatso on 2005-02-23 at 19:52:29
Please move this to the Map Showcase forum. It's there for a reason, and maps such as this are that reason.

EDIT: Oops, I didn't read the bottom of you post.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-02-23 at 21:38:34
QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 23 2005, 07:30 PM)
I like to go on every forum, but melee really isn't my things tongue.gif

Quick question: Isn't 128x128 a bit big for a 2 player map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by best.sock on 2005-02-23 at 23:16:07
128x128 is the standard for most maps. Even four player maps are mostly played 1v1 anyways.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 04:18:35
QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 24 2005, 12:30 AM)
1st off, you play rugby? cool, so do some kids at my school.

Yes, i do. Im a rugby mad man, I play it when i ever i can. Though have not played it in ages now..... I watch it. Im a real rugby fan.

QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 24 2005, 12:30 AM)
2nd,  have you started the map yet?  post like almost a daily screen shot, who cares if its incomplete.

Yes i have started. ill post a screen shot now of what it look likes at the monment

QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 24 2005, 12:30 AM)
3rd, ill be glad to help you with this along the way

Thank you, Im gonig to need all the help i can get, Since im new to melee map making.

QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 24 2005, 12:30 AM)
4th, yea tazzy, you and i have been posting quite a few melee maps good to be in the business with you.

Same goes for you happy.gif

QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 24 2005, 12:30 AM)
5th,  After this map, you wanna do a joint project? i promise i will be trusting.
talk to ya later

Sure, a team map would be cool. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by on 2005-02-24 at 04:36:52
Hey taz going good. erm no offence with this, try to take it as *constructive* critisism
but maybe you should break up the terrain a bit between the players.. maybe even completely block it off so theyll search the map look for the enemy, and find his just over the water or the small high dirt right next to his base.. i dunno its up to you.

remember *constructive*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 04:45:46
Hehehe, Thanx. I was having a cliff down the middle like so:
Where the red line is where the cliff will be.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by on 2005-02-24 at 05:32:02
o kool nice.. u r good wink.gif

so im guessing ure gonna have a small amount of mins in main base to have to migrate early??

(when i say small i mean leeess than normal...)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA_Max71 on 2005-02-24 at 06:05:02
QUOTE(Tazzy @ Feb 24 2005, 01:45 AM)
Hehehe, Thanx. I was having a cliff down the middle like so:
Where the red line is where the cliff will be.

Here is what I propose.
The yellow lines are where minerals would go. Not a lot of minerals would go there, but just enough to make it worthwhile. The green lines are where gas vents would go. The gray area is where there is a small chokepoint - units can go through this area, but it would be really hard to make a very large rush. For example, it would be REAL had to get ultralisks to go through there at the same time without ending up coming out of the chokepoint in single file. Above and below this chokepoint is where 2 gas vents would be. Along the chokepoint there are a lot of minerals, say, 2/3 of the total minerals in the game.

One last thing, maybe the cliff should be a structure?

What do you think? (Yenku, would this be a good idea in your experiance?)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 06:25:34
Something like this?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-02-24 at 06:41:49
Did you read this guide?

I just kinda scanned through it and I think it will help a lot happy.gif

I think the outside has a bit too much open terrain.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 06:48:41
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Feb 24 2005, 11:41 AM)
Did you read this guide?

I just kinda scanned through it and I think it will help a lot happy.gif

I think the outside has a bit too much open terrain.

No i did not, only for one reason. I would like to learn my own way's, might take longer but. Too many people cry about Balance, In my melee maps im hoping to change people views... blink.gif <- Your thinking.
Well in real world *Yes i know this a game but* you would all not start with the same terrian type. One might have a little bit smaller room. One might have high ground and other has small ground... A pro melee player can use what he/she got prefectly.

I think the outside has a bit too much open terrain.

I saw that myself, i might make top left and bottom right corners another 2 players. Im trying different things at the monment..

Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA_Max71 on 2005-02-24 at 07:08:04
ya, something like that... maybe a few trees (dodaads) for those people that like to micro manage in melee games.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 07:53:04
Ok i will keep that in mind, So far the map is gonig good. I cant post a SS at the monemt. But i will have another one ready soon. w00t.gif Thanx for the support and Feedback!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-02-24 at 14:44:34
QUOTE(SA_Max71 @ Feb 24 2005, 06:05 AM)
Here is what I propose.
The yellow lines are where minerals would go. Not a lot of minerals would go there, but just enough to make it worthwhile. The green lines are where gas vents would go. The gray area is where there is a small chokepoint - units can go through this area, but it would be really hard to make a very large rush. For example, it would be REAL had to get ultralisks to go through there at the same time without ending up coming out of the chokepoint in single file. Above and below this chokepoint is where 2 gas vents would be. Along the chokepoint there are a lot of minerals, say, 2/3 of the total minerals in the game.

One last thing, maybe the cliff should be a structure?

What do you think? (Yenku, would this be a good idea in your experiance?)

actually yea, this is great, i like this idea alot good job Max. Tazzy another idea for you, where the grass is at the starting bases, maybe you should convert that into highdirt, it adds a lot more tactics to the battles and defence, thanks for asking for my help max
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 15:30:21
I have allredy tried that, Gives the player less room to do anything, So what i have done is recreated the map for a test but made the middel part more bigger. Im still thinking on which one to use. happy.gif But im doing great with the map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Puni(F) on 2005-02-24 at 15:38:18
QUOTE(Tazzy @ Feb 24 2005, 03:45 AM)
Hehehe, Thanx. I was having a cliff down the middle like so:
Where the red line is where the cliff will be.

Couldent a terran just go right behind there bade with tank, Siege , And whipe there minerals out that fast.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tazzy on 2005-02-24 at 15:44:38
QUOTE(Puni @ Feb 24 2005, 08:38 PM)
Couldent a terran just go right behind there bade with tank, Siege , And whipe there minerals out that fast.

Yea i do know of this. But if you where a melee player and where smart enough, You would now how to counter it..... My maps dont go for the perfect balance, But just enough balance to have a good game. If they where on cliff or not, They would still take out the miners ASAP, Just use scanner, Or have a flying unit for the extra range, So either way... Terran can use there tanks.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA_Max71 on 2005-02-24 at 18:27:31
QUOTE(Yenku @ Feb 24 2005, 11:44 AM)
actually yea, this is great, i like this idea alot good job Max.  Tazzy another idea for you, where the grass is at the starting bases, maybe you should convert that into highdirt,  it adds a lot more tactics to the battles and defence,  thanks for asking for my help max

Lol... I was just wondering if my ideas would help tazzy out, and I wanted to see if you approved yenku happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by best.sock on 2005-02-24 at 22:23:50
i dont think that games will play out too well with the setup you have. i see terran having a big advantage vs protoss and zerg. would be so easy to control the choke point, then just park some seige tanks behind the others base. and as long as terran controls the middle, would be no place to flank them. which is the only way protoss and zerg can really stop a good terran.

Only thing i can think that would fix this is maybe widening the choke some (too big and zerg would own the map) and make it unbuildable around the choke.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by on 2005-02-25 at 02:46:11
I concur, in part, the terrans truly do have a huge advantage, and i know as you said, youre not going for balance but, having it to rigged is just plain stupid..

i think you should.. hmm let me do a pic.

ok. heres the key for the picture.

Light red: Structure.
Dark red: Lowered ground.
Light blue: Minerals.
Dark blue: Vesphene geysers.
Light grey (almost white): Passages.
Dark grey: Bridges.

Now, my idea is to divide it uyp into four, to have different territories to fight over. on the east and west it would be lower ground so the tanks didnt have as much of an advantage. i think 2 bridges at the back of the base would be a good idea to put there so that protoss or zerg have got a fair chance without there only hope being that little gap in the middle, or air transporting.

i dunno, edit you want eh tazzy, but i think *parts* of my idea might be a good idea.

always remember. *constuctive critisism*
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