Here's my first "official" melee map (no wait, it's my first melee map, period). The picture was taken by TileEdit.
Name: (4) Thawing Island
Description: Spring is coming, and all the precious ice, from which nutrients were extracted from all winter, is thawing! Unless if you fight for the precious resources, it would mean certain death. By PCFredZ
Dimensions: 128x128
Tileset: Ice
Total Units: 4
Player 1: Human Controlled Terran, 1 units.
Player 2: Human Controlled Zerg, 1 units.
Player 3: Human Controlled Protoss, 1 units.
Player 4: Human Controlled Terran, 1 units.
Total Mineral Deposits: 40
Total Vespene Geysers: 10
Total Doodads: 24
Total Critters: 0
It kinda skipped out on everything EXCEPT the terrain.
Just to make it easier...
The 4 starting locations are each located in the large patch of snow in the 4 corners, respectively. Minerals are sprinkled on the rest of the snow patches. Vespene geysers are located near the Water terrains, excluding the border of water around the entire map. The larger messed up pixels are ramps. There are a few small messed up pixels, just irrelevant doodads. I did place trees, they're just in semi-random but symmetric places.
I realize this topic is to help Puni but I might as well show something I made too for comparison and whatnot.